Post by ticktock on May 10, 2008 16:30:12 GMT -5
wow guys! thanks alot for ALL of this support, you will all be credited. Even if you only post something on the board giving your support xP I'll get all those buttons up asap! Tiger sent be a huge amount of buttons that I've been working on putting up. Pacmanite, the background is absolutely AMAZING!
Post by Clocky: Activity is a Thing on May 10, 2008 21:23:29 GMT -5
Are you still looking for a layout coder? If you require examples, I don't have any for big, full-blown layouts yet.
Post by Weapon on May 14, 2008 5:22:12 GMT -5
Sounds like you've got enough buttons now but I couldn't resist making this one. I wanted to illustrate the, um, well, the... thing. Idea. Anyway, I've put it on my Neo-lookup. (Are you going to have a hit counter? Only, I'm nosy and would like to see how many visitors it gets. ;3)
Post by Deleted on May 14, 2008 17:29:02 GMT -5
I can create a little banner, if you'd like. :3 Or a few little banners.
Post by Pacmanite on Jun 8, 2008 8:15:00 GMT -5
Eh, sorry for taking a long time on this layout ^^; It's been busy at school and stuff. Now I'm just putting everything together; and thanks to everyone who let me use excerpts of their writing. Here's what it looks like now: And these are the quotations I used:
I keep getting the feeling there's something missing. Maybe the header needs to have some extra text in the brown background, incomprehensible, but just for the texture effect of all those letters. And the bit that scrolls continuously (the parchment at the bottom) seems a little too plain at the moment, but I don't know what to do about it without making the whole thing really hard to loop on itself smoothly. Hmm. Maybe I should experiment with some simple diagonal lines that would help break up the brown in the background?
Post by Christos on Jun 8, 2008 8:30:18 GMT -5
How about a Coming soon column?
Post by Goosh on Jun 8, 2008 8:42:29 GMT -5
@_@ That's purrrrrdy.
Post by Tiger on Jun 8, 2008 9:39:13 GMT -5
=D That's awesome, pacmanite!
Hmm...yeah, I think some lines would spruce up the bottom a bit. Even without them though, it looks wonderful! ^^
Post by Celestial on Jun 8, 2008 11:14:11 GMT -5
Wow Pacmanite! Once again I bow before your skills. @_@
Some lines are a good idea but don't make them stand out too much, fade them in a little bit. But hey, you're the master. ^_^
Post by Pacmanite on Jun 26, 2008 3:23:01 GMT -5
Edit: (changed the link, cause the pound wiped the other pet's page clean) www.neopets.com/~snicker_weasel*feeling hyper* IT WORKS! IT RLLY WORKS!! It loops too And the link to the NT works like a charm. *feeling strangely elated* All right, I'm never doing diagonal-line repeating backgrounds again as long as a live The layout's still not *quite* done yet... I need to add some sort of navigation and change the un-pwnful default Times New Roman font to pwnful verdana (or any other suggestions? I like verdana), and work a little on the section titles, but for now, the biggest bit of the coding's done Here's the code so far: <BODY bgcolor="#441A15"> <body background="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v702/eyesandearsmouthandnose/NTRAFINALLOOPINGFINAL.jpg">
<style />
#Header { width: 747px; height: 519px; position:absolute; left: 0; top: 14; background-image: url(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v702/eyesandearsmouthandnose/NTRAFINALloopworthy.jpg) }
#Newspaper { position: absolute; top: 174; left: 407; }
#Newspaper a { display: block; width:151px; height:183px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; background-image: URL(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v702/eyesandearsmouthandnose/NTRAFINALwithpaperunfurled0.jpg); text-decoration: none; }
#Newspaper a:link, #ListCont a:active, #ListCont a:visited { background-image: url(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v702/eyesandearsmouthandnose/NTRAFINALwithpaperunfurled0.jpg); }
#Newspaper a:hover { border: 0px ; background-image: url(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v702/eyesandearsmouthandnose/NTRAFINALwithpaperunfurled1.jpg); }
</style />
<div id="Header"></div>
<div id="Newspaper"> <a href="http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml"></a> </div>
<div style="position:absolute; top: 510; left: 165; width: 465;">
<p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce felis urna, auctor dignissim, hendrerit eu, rhoncus et, enim. Maecenas venenatis, nulla ac semper tempus, odio ipsum dapibus est, vitae sollicitudin pede odio volutpat odio. Suspendisse et tortor. Etiam molestie, enim in feugiat sollicitudin, lectus libero ultrices augue, at tincidunt mauris justo in nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. <p>Nam id nibh vitae ante adipiscing pulvinar. Donec fermentum metus nec erat. Proin tempus, est a cursus feugiat, sapien magna consectetuer libero, commodo porta nisl odio non leo. Maecenas non diam sed mauris semper tempor. Sed iaculis felis id turpis. Nam eget neque non tortor auctor hendrerit. Duis nunc sem, tempus nec, gravida quis, egestas in, mauris. Sed ultricies orci id elit. Nam molestie. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam vulputate. <p>Donec hendrerit varius lectus. Donec nec ipsum.Maecenas orci. Etiam egestas. Cras egestas ullamcorper est. Duis diam nisl, blandit eget, pellentesque non, tempus ut, risus. Aliquam sit amet ipsum. Donec eget erat eu purus facilisis pretium. Ut nulla lacus, eleifend quis, pellentesque placerat, congue sed, ipsum. Vivamus vel leo ac risus vestibulum ultricies. <p>Curabitur adipiscing bibendum leo. Proin vestibulum tortor. Maecenas nisi risus, cursus id, fringilla id, congue vel, pede. Mauris eleifend rhoncus nisi. Suspendisse dui velit, mattis fermentum, gravida vel, fringilla a, quam. Aenean congue. Aliquam non quam eget risus facilisis feugiat. Integer porta mattis mauris. Nunc vel mauris at enim pharetra euismod. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce ligula urna, molestie ac, tincidunt vel, commodo sed, nulla.Praesent volutpat condimentum arcu. <p>Nam eleifend velit non sapien. Cras sit amet nisl id felis bibendum molestie. <p>Fusce aliquam vulputate tellus. Duis hendrerit metus quis urna. Pellentesque vehicula. Nunc pulvinar nunc vel neque. Aliquam eget nunc. Ut euismod neque ut erat. Nam vulputate. Pellentesque lobortis.san lobortis, pede ante interdum justo, vel sodales metus tellus interdum risus. In arcu enim, vulputate in, vestibulum at, adipiscing ac, arcu. Suspendisse ac nibh. Praesent semper luctus pede. <p>Proin ullamcorper, nulla eget sodales vehicula, dui lectus semper urna, sit amet eleifend neque urna quis augue. Cras arcu. Sed auctor sagittis erat. Phasellus lorem. Donec dictum eros in nunc. Phasellus ac arcu. <p>Aliquam commodo, eros eget convallis pulvinar, purus mi egestas nulla, id sodales sem nibh quis odio. Praesent volutpat lectus eget augue. Proin diam. Maecenas adipiscing tincidunt leo. Praesent tincidunt scelerisque diam. Fusce vel urna. Nunc a erat. Nullam laoreet auctor velit.Aenean rutrum, sapien ac acsan. Nullam erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec est. Vivamus ut felis. Cras venenatis augue et ipsum. Cras in mi a lorem auctor commodo. Suspendisse eu purus. In mi. Maecenas faucibus, lorem quis laoreet scelerisque, quam diam vulputate arcu, ac tempor massa metus et elit. Donec tempus nulla quis quam. Nam tellus justo, dapibus gravida, tristique sit amet, venenatis nec, sem. Pellentesque tempor nisl id lacus lacinia ac
Post by Jade on Jul 2, 2008 19:56:28 GMT -5
It looks really good! And I love the unrolling NT issue animation ;D
Post by Pacmanite on Jul 5, 2008 9:23:05 GMT -5
It looks really good! And I love the unrolling NT issue animation ;D Thanks Jade! =D Still working on it - and don't you worry, writers, I'll make sure there's credit to all of you at the bottom ^^
Post by Deleted on Jul 5, 2008 9:35:14 GMT -5
Oh wow Pacmanite, that is simple awesome! I feel proud to even have a tiny bit of text on such a thing Great job!! Can't wait to see the finished petpage with all the text, etc!
Post by Pacmanite on Jul 8, 2008 6:29:09 GMT -5
Oh wow Pacmanite, that is simple awesome! I feel proud to even have a tiny bit of text on such a thing Great job!! Can't wait to see the finished petpage with all the text, etc! Thanks, Chocolate ^^ And thanks again for letting me use your writing Well, it's finished... www.neopets.com/~snicker_weaselBut now I realise something. Poor ol' Ticktock hasn't logged on the NTWF since May. D: And her lookup says she hasn't been on neo for about the same amount of time. I should have checked before I started doing all the coding... D: Now I don't know if she'll ever come back here again. I just finished the longest layout project I've ever undertaken since I last coded H33lix's petpage (and even that was relatively simple, didn't have any tricky, diagonal-lined loop backgrounds or hovering div links). Will it all count for nothing now? D:
Post by Christos on Jul 8, 2008 7:50:30 GMT -5
Oh wow Pacmanite, that is simple awesome! I feel proud to even have a tiny bit of text on such a thing Great job!! Can't wait to see the finished petpage with all the text, etc! Thanks, Chocolate ^^ And thanks again for letting me use your writing Well, it's finished... www.neopets.com/~snicker_weaselBut now I realise something. Poor ol' Ticktock hasn't logged on the NTWF since May. D: And her lookup says she hasn't been on neo for about the same amount of time. I should have checked before I started doing all the coding... D: Now I don't know if she'll ever come back here again. I just finished the longest layout project I've ever undertaken since I last coded H33lix's petpage (and even that was relatively simple, didn't have any tricky, diagonal-lined loop backgrounds or hovering div links). Will it all count for nothing now? D: Whaaaat?! You must be crazy for sure Pacmanite *takes temperature and puts on ice* This isn't going to be wasted FOR SURE! A lot of people can read it, even she hasn't be on long!