Alrighty then! I'm feelin' up to a few reviews, especially since everyone gave me such nice reviews. ^^ 'Sides, I haven't done any indepth stuff in a while.
Secrets of Neopia: 73h N0013Well, well. This is certainly an interesting comic. I really like the concept, it feels like it's going to be a very fun series. The angel zafara is particularly adorable. The introduction was very nice, I like the opening scene of the tapping and the zafara waiting in his little office. The detail in the office really says a lot about the good quality of all future episodes.
The layout of the comic is pretty nice. It's interesting with the panels being all different sizes, but they still move in a pretty clear flow. You might want to be careful for future issues that you don't let the panel design get in the way of visual flow. So don't make things too confusing just for the sake of making it look interesting. Also, that little arrow between the bottom two panels isn't really necessary, the reader can follow the flow without it.
As for the story, I was a tad confused. So the Zafara gave directions to that normal-seeming boy? And was he the one who wound up in the Hidden Tower and stole all the brushes? The panel that was supposed to show the hidden tower was a bit unclear. With the shiny blue walls in the background, it almost looked to me like the Snowager's cave. I didn't realize it was the Hidden Tower until the next panel, when the zafara said it was. Making the walls purplish might have helped. And I'm not sure exactly what happened. That boy asking about the Jelly chatboard seemed normal, are we to assume that he suddenly turned chatspeak newbish when he found the Tower? Because with all that chatspeak, I was actually led to believe that it was the trapdoor girl who found the Tower. It would've helped if we had seen the boy in the Hidden Tower panel, because I can't really tell what that object is in the center of the panel.
^__^ But overall, I think it's a pretty solid beginning for future comics. Just be sure to actually make some more comics, I'd like to see where this series goes in the future.
No Game Here: Web Of SpyderHehe, a one paneler comic, eh? Let's see....
The art is nice and clear. It's easy to understand, and it's well drawn. The Spyder has a good expression of upsetness on his face, which can be hard to do with a creature with four inanimate-looking eyes. I especially like the border. I imagine you took that from the game, rather than drew it, right? It's a nice touch, and shows that bit of extra effort. Similarly, the font for the comic was also rather cute. :3
Jokewise, I think this comic could've used a bit more. This could've done with some extra panels before this final one. Here we have the final result of some supposed struggle between Vernax and Spyder. This sort of role reversal is amusing, but I would've loved to have seen the struggle that had come before this result. Like some sort of vernax ambush, or at least a group of vernaxes becoming increasingly frustrated at their lot in life. And when you think about it, the title 'Web of Spyder' makes a lot of sense, so the humor is kinda' lost in it. Does that make sense? I mean, if you heard 'Web of Spyder,' you wouldn't automatically chuckle at the reversal, because it doesn't feel like a reversal... you know? Hm.
Especially since this is a collab, I think it totally could've used more from both parties. The idea isn't so super creative, and the art isn't so super complex. So it seems it could've been done by one person easily, why have two people? *shrug*
But, it's a pretty nice comic regardless.
The Gallion RanchGleeeee. I really enjoyed this comic. Nonverbal comics are often quite difficult to pull off well, and I applaud you for that. Which kinda' makes me wonder where the scriptwriter came in. Seems they got the easy end of the bargain there, they didn't even need to come up with any dialogue or anything. Seems almost a jip to the artist that the writer also got a trophy for their effort, because the art really does make this joke.
The art is really quite nice. I especially like the layout format, with the beginning large panel, the three panels side-by-side, the small panel, then a panel that is as large as the opening one. It give a sense of progression and impact. Bigger panels are more impactful, and it's perfect for the setup and punchline of a joke.
Composition within the panels is also quite nice. You put a lot of detail into the setting, so the reader is never confused as to where the Krawk is at any point in the story. The passage of time with the different Gaze crewmembers is well felt. And I especially love that panel where the krawk is just about to disembark. It's a great pause panel. The reader thinks he knows what to expect, and is helpless to stop the little krawk. Oh, and that little whistle note is such a nice touch.
But it's really that last panel that cinches the whole thing. It's great, it's a depiction of the aftermath of the drop. Perfect. It isn't a depiction of the drop itself, it's the moment after, when all you see is the cloud after the krawk's gone through it. I love that, it would've been so much less funny had you actually depcited the krawk itself. Or even his impact on the ground below (something that might not be too devastating, he is plushie after all). The art in that last panel is really nice, too. You show the thickness of the cloud very well, and even the bottom angle of the Gaze. That must've been very tough.
Bravo. Very cute and funny comic!
Popular Misconceptions Hm, very cute comic concept. The baby nimmo does indeed seem to be the smallest of the baby pets (exept maybe for the baby buzz). And using a Huggy petpet is also pretty humorous. Having him getting all squishy is certainly an adorable ending. It could've also worked with a very vicious-looking large petpet, eyeing the Nimmo for food. But I'm glad you went the cuter way.
Layout-wise, I think there are a few things that could be tweaked. The panels especially are rather unnecessarily shaped. They would be fine being the same rectangular shape and size. No need to make them odd shaped. I definetely think that title stuff could be scrapped. That part where you made the title, subtitle, and author bit. That stuff doesn't need to go into the drawing, because there are places you can put them in the submission form. Put the title in the title page and the subtitle in the comments section. That way it doesn't take up space in your actual comic and feel redundant. Don't worry, I did the same thing with my comics for the longest time.
The art's really nice and clear. I like the colors you used for the characters and the thought bubbles. I think the background colors are a bit too bright, they could probably be toned down a bit. A little bit of a background could've helped, too, to establish some sort of setting. As it appears now, it's like the nimmo is swimming underwater. (Which would be fine, except that Huggys don't seem to fit too well with a water theme). But I do like the characters and their expressions. And I like how you went through the extra effort to shade them, that's a very nice touch. ^^
Cute comic!
*Whew!* Lots o' typing! If anyone else has a comic that needs reviewin, just say so. :3