Post by Nimras on Apr 21, 2006 11:08:11 GMT -5
Since I missed the last three issues... I'm just reading my way though them all and commenting as I go. So everything gets a review! *cheers* I'm going to have to do them in bursts though, because I need to take breaks to drink, eat... you know...
10 Ways to Celebrate Gloominess by lassie_nikki
While I’m usually not a fan of list articles, this one manages to hold a melancholy humor throughout the piece. The suggestions for how to (somewhat) cheer up your grey pet with grey items is sweet. The mental image of a grey pet wearing the Bushy Grey Eyebrows and Swirly Thin Grey Beard and running about the house makes me crack up.
A Trophy Collector's Version of Plushie Tycoon by anna_arnold
A game guild for yet another trophy I don’t have. I’d have preferred the author had spent a little more time describing what she’s talking about, because not having played the game I often couldn’t follow exactly what she was trying to say. I was kind of bothered by the “Congrats; once the month ends, you'll have won a bronze trophy and you don't need to ever play the game again. =)”. But it seemed to be full of lots of information, and is probably perfect for someone who’s got a basic knowledge of the game and just needs some NP making tips.
The Petpet Dangers of Meridell by haldir6530
Another list article, though my adoration of Meridell may overcome my aversion to them. I don’t think it will over come my aversion to nearly every sentence ending in “!” though. I take it back, I think every sentence ends in “!”. It also contains the dreaded “Reason Number 14: Hmmm. I’m running out of ideas here! Ok I got one!”. While I think it’s a cute idea, the execution could have been better.
Collectable Cards: a Lost Neopian Treasure by alyndasgallery
I hope this article causes someone to go buy my “Skarl’s Orders TCG” from my shop. While I collect the Neopet cards in real life, I don’t on the site and they really are something that tends to be ignored on site. I’d actually approve of an avatar released for the cards because they are so overlooked; and it’s nice to see someone doing something with them in the NT. Very informative and well written.
Negg Effects - the Evil of It All!!! by gloopicalis
How can you not like an article that has “With the help of my… um… volunteer *cough* Lambene, I set out to prove to the world that Neggs have an evil mind, bent on world domination! *evil laugh*” in the first paragraph? I love the use of images in this article, it makes recognizing the Neggs much easier when the author is explaining each one. Not exactly informative, but very funny nonetheless.
The Neopian Band Review by iamskot
“Hello, my fellow Neopians, and welcome to the biggest, most radical, review of music ever written down! Or written up if you're vertically challenged!” How nice to know they think of us, eh Belle and Scheff? There’s a bit of musical lingo in this piece, so if you’ve never had much experience in playing music some of the vocabulary might go over your head. Obviously written by someone who plays an electric guitar. It’s a good review of the different bands in Neopia and they’re styles.
Plotting Along: Bob the Yurble - Again?!?!?!?! by rare_blue_orchid also by stampingqueen2
Question: Is the Yurble Forman from the LDP and the new Altador plot really named Bob? The interview style is a nice change from the list articles, thought the typo “They forbid me from helping the cloo seekers.” bothered me. Seeing the last plot though his eyes was interesting.
The Vegetable Scene by cyneo_masters2
Another article with pictures. Is this a new trend or something? A nice preview of some of the Vegetarian foods in Neopia Central. Though the automatic assumption that the readers don’t like veggies throughout the piece kind of bothered me. (I happen to like veggies…)
How to Improve Your Restocking by bittersweetish
Kind of a how to make NP if you already have NP type of guide, advising that you start off carrying 10K NP a day for restocking. The advice to drink lots of coffee and caffeinated sodas kind of disturbed me too. On the other hand, the timing information and the best shops to start off at are very handy.
The Key to the Door of Zurroball by assassin_rogue
A game guide for another game I’ve never played. (I think I’ve just discovered what an abysmal Neopets gamer I am…) The type of balls with the good/bad for beginners breakdown is very helpful, along with the easter egg secret ball. Maybe after I’m done with all these reviews I’ll give this game a try using Rogue’s tips.
The Top 14 (and only) Aisha Treats! by sepkun
Surprise! Another list article! Again with the pictures for each of the items. I wonder if the coding counts towards the word count for the article? The author seems to also have a wet mouth problem. The ending of “Author's Note: If you are reading this then that means I got in to TNT for the very first time!!!!!!” also hits one of my pet peeves. Not really my favorite style of writing in this article, though I did like the pictures of the candy. The vivid drool descriptions kind of ruined my appetite though.
Is Grey Really That Dull? by twiddl3d33
Lots of Grey themed things today for the Grey Day Issue. Kind of cliché in the “grey pets aren’t sad and depressed, they only see the world in a different way” theme but not overly done. At only two pages, it seems a little short. I’d have preferred it longer with a bit more detail, but this is coming from the I’m writing and I can’t shut up Nimras here. All in all, a nice tribute to grey day.
10 Ways to Celebrate Gloominess by lassie_nikki
While I’m usually not a fan of list articles, this one manages to hold a melancholy humor throughout the piece. The suggestions for how to (somewhat) cheer up your grey pet with grey items is sweet. The mental image of a grey pet wearing the Bushy Grey Eyebrows and Swirly Thin Grey Beard and running about the house makes me crack up.
A Trophy Collector's Version of Plushie Tycoon by anna_arnold
A game guild for yet another trophy I don’t have. I’d have preferred the author had spent a little more time describing what she’s talking about, because not having played the game I often couldn’t follow exactly what she was trying to say. I was kind of bothered by the “Congrats; once the month ends, you'll have won a bronze trophy and you don't need to ever play the game again. =)”. But it seemed to be full of lots of information, and is probably perfect for someone who’s got a basic knowledge of the game and just needs some NP making tips.
The Petpet Dangers of Meridell by haldir6530
Another list article, though my adoration of Meridell may overcome my aversion to them. I don’t think it will over come my aversion to nearly every sentence ending in “!” though. I take it back, I think every sentence ends in “!”. It also contains the dreaded “Reason Number 14: Hmmm. I’m running out of ideas here! Ok I got one!”. While I think it’s a cute idea, the execution could have been better.
Collectable Cards: a Lost Neopian Treasure by alyndasgallery
I hope this article causes someone to go buy my “Skarl’s Orders TCG” from my shop. While I collect the Neopet cards in real life, I don’t on the site and they really are something that tends to be ignored on site. I’d actually approve of an avatar released for the cards because they are so overlooked; and it’s nice to see someone doing something with them in the NT. Very informative and well written.
Negg Effects - the Evil of It All!!! by gloopicalis
How can you not like an article that has “With the help of my… um… volunteer *cough* Lambene, I set out to prove to the world that Neggs have an evil mind, bent on world domination! *evil laugh*” in the first paragraph? I love the use of images in this article, it makes recognizing the Neggs much easier when the author is explaining each one. Not exactly informative, but very funny nonetheless.
The Neopian Band Review by iamskot
“Hello, my fellow Neopians, and welcome to the biggest, most radical, review of music ever written down! Or written up if you're vertically challenged!” How nice to know they think of us, eh Belle and Scheff? There’s a bit of musical lingo in this piece, so if you’ve never had much experience in playing music some of the vocabulary might go over your head. Obviously written by someone who plays an electric guitar. It’s a good review of the different bands in Neopia and they’re styles.
Plotting Along: Bob the Yurble - Again?!?!?!?! by rare_blue_orchid also by stampingqueen2
Question: Is the Yurble Forman from the LDP and the new Altador plot really named Bob? The interview style is a nice change from the list articles, thought the typo “They forbid me from helping the cloo seekers.” bothered me. Seeing the last plot though his eyes was interesting.
The Vegetable Scene by cyneo_masters2
Another article with pictures. Is this a new trend or something? A nice preview of some of the Vegetarian foods in Neopia Central. Though the automatic assumption that the readers don’t like veggies throughout the piece kind of bothered me. (I happen to like veggies…)
How to Improve Your Restocking by bittersweetish
Kind of a how to make NP if you already have NP type of guide, advising that you start off carrying 10K NP a day for restocking. The advice to drink lots of coffee and caffeinated sodas kind of disturbed me too. On the other hand, the timing information and the best shops to start off at are very handy.
The Key to the Door of Zurroball by assassin_rogue
A game guide for another game I’ve never played. (I think I’ve just discovered what an abysmal Neopets gamer I am…) The type of balls with the good/bad for beginners breakdown is very helpful, along with the easter egg secret ball. Maybe after I’m done with all these reviews I’ll give this game a try using Rogue’s tips.
The Top 14 (and only) Aisha Treats! by sepkun
Surprise! Another list article! Again with the pictures for each of the items. I wonder if the coding counts towards the word count for the article? The author seems to also have a wet mouth problem. The ending of “Author's Note: If you are reading this then that means I got in to TNT for the very first time!!!!!!” also hits one of my pet peeves. Not really my favorite style of writing in this article, though I did like the pictures of the candy. The vivid drool descriptions kind of ruined my appetite though.
Is Grey Really That Dull? by twiddl3d33
Lots of Grey themed things today for the Grey Day Issue. Kind of cliché in the “grey pets aren’t sad and depressed, they only see the world in a different way” theme but not overly done. At only two pages, it seems a little short. I’d have preferred it longer with a bit more detail, but this is coming from the I’m writing and I can’t shut up Nimras here. All in all, a nice tribute to grey day.