Post by June Scarlet on Mar 19, 2020 9:34:11 GMT -5
Happy Spring everyone! Spring Cleaning is officially started! It runs from now until Saturday, June 20th. Make your Project List in the Spring Cleaning Project List thread, and post your updates and support and any other event chatter here. Here's examples of past Projects Lists: 20192017And here's examples of past Updates Threads: 20192017Good luck everyone!
Post by June Scarlet on Mar 19, 2020 21:58:14 GMT -5
Personally, I won't start doing this event for another week or so. I'm just swamped at work right now, I'm hoping grocery stores will calm down to a reasonable level soon.
I look forward to joining you all in getting to unfinished projects soon, though!
Post by Gelquie on Mar 23, 2020 21:15:52 GMT -5
Seeing how the event ends on a Saturday, I'll update on Saturdays. But since I missed the first one due to not having access, I'll update today.
Not much to report. I did do some house cleaning and organizing. Not much, but a start. I was going to do more, but I found some more serious problems to address that are not on the list, and I have to at least plan around it until I can get them taken care of.
I did contact my laptop manufacturer. They... tried. But they didn't read my message well enough, so it didn't actually help. Been burned out on fixing my laptop. But I have a loaner one now, so maybe that'll change.
Probably not gonna compile clothes until I'm sure I'm clean of infection. When I do, it probably won't take too long, though.
I might add another. I have more yarn than I know what to do with, and stuff to crochet and knit, so I've been thinking of getting into that. Probably crochet as I enjoy that more. But as yet, I don't know what I'm doing, so no projects yet. I was able to get some sort of shape, but I must be missing something, because it looks like a mess of knits and purls, so there's other steps I need to learn. So I guess another one is learning to crochet. I'll add that to the list later.
I haven't been able to work with my laptop as it is. But my loaner laptop came in, so I can actually do some work now. It's not The Greatest, but it doesn't need to be to do the work I need to do. (Though I did have to do some work on it. >> )
Post by Killix on Mar 23, 2020 22:34:48 GMT -5
Not much to report, I'm afraid.
I worked a little on my craft project a few days ago, but then got discouraged with how it was turning out. My limited supply of polymer clay makes starting over a no-no, so I really need to figure out how to fix this part so it better matches what I'm trying to do. X'D I also realised that I do not have any fabric glue - so I won't be able to finish this project until stores open again.
I've also done a little bit of the story-ing. That is going much better, but it's ending up... kinda long. Hoo boy, I'm in for a lot of editing. XD Had enough scenes roughed out to pick and choose what to draw, so I've already finished the art portion of this mission. Thought that would take much longer with my mouse being an uncooperative mess, but I guess I really can burn through art when I want to. XD
Post by June Scarlet on Mar 27, 2020 20:49:30 GMT -5
Random update!
I wrote Part 4 of my DwtS comic series, and it connects to another part I wrote already, so that's now Part 5 done as well!
I also typed up parts 2-5 yesterday and today. Part 1 was already typed up. I'm trying out writing a script this time. The first draft is still written in thumbnails and text in my sketchbook, though.
I'm really enjoying some of the character development in this series. I feel like my readers will get a better sense of what the Scarlet dynamics are like, as well as some of the character's vulnerabilities. My only concern right now is that I'm not sure how well it ties in with it being my 100th submission anymore. And I'm not sure I can bring it around in just the six submissions I have left before I hit 100.
I was thinking maybe I might have to start the series with my 100th submission, and then work from there. Maybe add a part zero to the mix. Have some stand-alone comics in the meanwhile. But I'm not going to worry about it right now. I'm just going to keep writing.
Post by Lizica on Mar 28, 2020 15:19:26 GMT -5
Finally feel like updating, so have an update!
I finished the birthday card, and I'm actually pretty pleased with it. ^^ I painted it with leftover coffee and coffee grounds, and it has a neat sepia look. Unfortunately, we're avoiding the post office for now, so we won't be able to send the care package for a little while, but I did email the recipient some scans, and she loved it! =D
I made some plain background versions of Soft Glow, and I was kind of like, DANGIT, it looks really good?? XD I mean obviously that's a good thing, and I'm super psyched...but I also probably didn't really have to beat myself up over That One Layer for so long. But I'm still gonna finish it, because I have not been battling the whole project for almost *checks* two years, on and off (mostly off), only to NOT use That One Layer. *cracks knuckles* So let's goooo >O
Spring Cleaning, where Lizica rambles about That One Project she never seems to be able to finish. >>
Good luck with all your projects and errands and studies, everyone!! \ o / Go go!
Post by Gelquie on Mar 28, 2020 22:59:49 GMT -5
Saturday is update day!
So I actually did some significant house sorting! Enough to not only be able to move my desk to two different places (in order to have space for work and space for play), but have some extra living room room too! A big thing was moved to my bedroom, which I need to set up. I don't have a reason for not having done it yet.
I also went through my files and was able to reduce my amount of book boxes down by 1 box, and that box is now in a storage area. Which helps a lot with room. \ o /
It does remind me, though, just how much more book sorting I need to do. I think there are some things I can get rid of due to class redundancy, so I just need to... get to it. I can probably save more room that way.
Now, my research stuff, my focus is mainly on computation because I can do that easiest from home (ish; can't exactly go to the library whenever I please). Progress... I'm working on it.
I'd still like to fix my computer, but what is motivation? Especially since tech support was no help. My progress on that... I took my laptop out of storage to go "okay, it's in the way, now you have to try." So far, I have not. But I really want to. To be honest, this loaner laptop is not my favorite. I'd rather have my own. It's just a "for now" deal.
That's all for now!
Post by Killix on Mar 29, 2020 0:13:30 GMT -5
Got nothing new done on my craft, oop. I promise I'll tackle it again soon!
Tearin' through the story, though. Just need to do a final couple of read-throughs and polish edits. I'll probably be posting it soonish and marking that task as complete.
Post by Gelquie on Apr 7, 2020 21:36:19 GMT -5
Oops, missed an update day.
I don't think I did much. Well, I did, but nothing really on my list. I've been too concerned with other things.
...Actually, no, that's a lie.
I did some tidying here and there. And I finally set up something I've been meaning to set up for some time! Which is really nice.
Been working on my research on the "Computation" side. Which is more like "dangit program, work." But I did manage to find a few work-arounds, so I'm going to test those out.
Post by Killix on Apr 12, 2020 4:07:02 GMT -5
Oops, it's Sunday already?
Got the CT! story thing all done and posted it not too long ago! \ o /
I've also figured out what I'm going to do to resolve the problem I ran face-first into with my craft project. Unfortunately this plan involves some supplies I don't currently have. XD I'll just have to do what I can with what I have for now. I think I'll move on to the seam tearing and sculpting feet next.