School: Research (R)
R3. Thesis OutlineType: School, Writing
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Length: Long
Steps: Read literature first. Jot down roughly what's going on. Create into outline based on what the goal is and what's already been established in science. When you have a decent draft, show advisor to know what to add, what to expunge, and other papers/things to consider.
Progress: None
R4. Program SpecType: School, Research
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Medium-Long
Steps: Three options.
A: Read in filetype to given program in unfamiliar language. Try to work with it until it works. (If possible; the data variables might be too different?)
B: Analyze exactly what the given program is doing and write a new one that's more suited to your needs, in the language you know better.
C: "Help!"
Progress: (6/21) Made progress while trying to figure out R5. Not resolved.
R5. Figure out data methodType: School, Research
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Long
Steps: Research data method. Apply to the equations. Plot.
Progress: (4/7) I might be onto something. But in order to do it, I need to practice the math behind it.
(6/8) - Working on iiiiit.
(6/21) - Well, I've made a bunch of progress, but still not quite there. I do have a sort of idea for how to do it from here, as well as other ideas. I'm much further than before. (Actually, I made a lot of progress yesterday when I really didn't expect to.) Not done, but over 50%, I'd say?
R6. Learn PythonType: School, Research, Life, Future, aagh
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Very Long; over time
Steps: Find guide. Follow the instructions from the website you know on how to edit your programming language into Python programming language and take it in as you go.
Progress: None
R7. Big Meeting (POSTPONED)Type: School, Research
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Medium-Long
Steps: Form. Report. PPT. Cross-check with advisor. Scheduling and booking. Present. Make changes if need be. Send off.
Started report; just need to write some details.(4/17-4/25) - Report finished! Next step was scheduling and booking. Which has. Hit a snag. And there are issues. I'll get back to you.
(5/13) - ...Yeah, it's postponed. And getting more complicated. And there's no feasible way to do it soon. And yeah.
R8. Further examine class projectType: School, Research
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Medium-Long
Steps: There were a few things pertinent to my thesis that I didn't have time or ability to explore. I kind of want to do that still so that I'll have practice identifying what I want and then apply that to my research. I can build off of the project I've already technically completed to do that.
Mainly, identify if one variable was affected by topography and how.
Progress: Well, the project is done, but that was a given.
R1. Categorize Sci LiteratureType: Organizing, Reading, School
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Short-Medium
Steps: Sort through literature. Name files by author and year. Create text file to explain each file type. Create and separate into categories based on needs. (Ie.: Math, methods, global research progress, etc)
Progress: Done! (3/26) (Well, maybe a few more explanations are needed, but the basics are there.)
R2. Read Sci Literature (and take notes)Type: Reading (School)
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Long?
Sort into sections and read as needed, take notes. This is gonna be a long-running one that probably won't be completed before the end of the event.
Progress: (4/17-4/25) - More and more all the time.
(6/8) - Okay, technically it's not done, but I've developed a system for like, actually reading these things as I need it, and I think my research should be based more on that than "I should read more! In theory!" So as long as I have this reading system that works for me, I'm striking this off. It's basically a consistent thing.
Personal/Housekeeping/Bookkeeping (H)
H2. Clothing sorting/recyclingType: Personal (Housekeeping)
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Expect at least a few hours on it
Steps: Take notes of what I have and where, go through clothes, keep what I like, consider actually getting rid of (ie, donating) clothes I never wear unless they're for special occasions (how many pants do you have that you never wear because they don't suit you; c'mon), consolidate clothes in an order that makes more sense
Progress: (4/7) I bought two new pants; -2 progress! (But they're really nice pants, and I finally have black pants for events that I like wearing!)
(5/5) - I went through my clothes and selected some for donation. I don't actually have that many clothes, but I did have several that I just don't wear anymore. There were like, a couple that I kept out of "just in case", but there were several old pants that I had that I was just never going to wear. Add a couple other miscellaneous clothes, and I think I'm at an okay point with the clothes I wish to keep. (One's still a question mark, but I don't have to donate everything right away.) Haven't dropped them off yet, but really, all I need to do is put them in a donation bin, so I'm crossing that part off.
Sorting through the clothes has left me with a bunch of empty space. I sorted two bins to aaalmost one; pretty close! But not quite. But that'll be fine for moving. The only thing left is to figure out how to store my outdoor wear.
(6/21) - No real progress here. I got some more clothes, but not a lot. Mainly, I haven't really sorted and re-organized my coats so much. That's where I left off.
H3. Surface tidyingType: Personal (Housekeeping)
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Medium-Long?
Dust surfaces. Make surfaces neater. Put things in places that make more sense. At least a little at a time.
Progress: 4/3 - Surfaces dusted!
6/2 - I moved some stuff and created more space for my plants. Still have more to do. I think I need to consolidate all my grad school work into one box, instead of just scattered Everywhere Around the Apartment. So there's a definitive goal for me: Do that.
(6/21) - No huge endeavors or progress. But I did somethings here and here.
H5. Sew belt loops onto other pantsType: Personal
Difficulty: Medium?
Length: Medium??
Steps: Two options.
A: Decide fabric and thread, sew them on, try not to make them look too off.
B: Take them to a tailor because heck, I don't know how to sew.
Progress: 1/4
(4/7) I might just undo my progress and take it to a tailor at this point. Especially if I can't fix my backpack on my own anyway.
H6. Find new apartmentType: Personal
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Medium?
Due: May
Steps: Keep an eye out for apartments, especially those that open in May. Watch out for when you're pressed for lease agreement renewals. (Probably the time all your class stuff is due.) Keep in mind intended stay period.
1) Call apartments for viewings.
2) Viewings
3) Agree/Disagree; pick one
4) Send housing cancellation form, send any application stuff for the new place
5) Move?
Progress: Uh... it didn't happen? Kind of got caught up in everything else, and it got to the point where I was at the lease renewal with no plan, so... yeah.
(5/5) - Back on the list! Because
dear gosh.But. I can still cancel my lease at this point, and if I play my cards right, I don't have to pay any penalties for it. But I need to do it soon. So time to apartment shop.
(6/8) - I'm trying. Options are kinda slim. ='D
H1. Finish chart of personal issuesType: Personal
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Short (seriously, just put on some music or a podcast and go through the motions)
Steps: Open the chart, open the other chart, cross-consolidate data until you get to present day, produce a graph
Progress: Complete! (3/24) (Did that, and then did it another way that would ultimately make it easier in the long run.)
H4. Pick out tech to buyType: Personal
Difficulty: Hard, it's much harder than you think, aaagh
Length: Long!
Steps: For the tech stuff, jot down the specifications to look for, and add notes for what else to look for if I have to be flexible. Favorite pages for things that meet the requirements. Then decide how to pay for them.
One down, one to go! (The other one I might wait longer than the event on, given everything else going on.)
Task is provisionally done. Life is frantic and change is hard; the last part can wait longer than the event itself.Life is frantic and change is hard, and it's even harder when it's enforced! ='D But I got the other piece of equipment picked out and bought.
H7. AppointmentsType: Personal
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Medium
Call dr, call dentist, call car. Follow through on car.Progress: (4/15) - Two! Two appointments made! Ah ah ah!
(4/29) - Done!
Play (P)
P3. PracticeType: Play, Recreation
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Until the end
Steps: Practice at least once a day. Go to all rehearsals and such.
Progress: On-going.
P1. Read Script
Type: Play, Recreation
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium
Steps: Set aside some time and read it. I know you've read it before. Read it again anyway. Due: End of May
Progress: Done! (So turns out there was gonna be a group reading for it anyway, so I just went to that.)
P2. Examine Scene and Memorize LinesType: Play, Recreation
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Medium-Long
Steps: Re-read my parts and surrounding parts multiple times. Nail down what the character is thinking that I haven't already figured out or internalized. (Consult with drama turg?) Recite the lines until you can do it by heart. (Maybe look up guides for how?)
Progress: Well, I actually did some research ahead of time on how the character should be thinking, what they're concerned about, how it affects them, etc. And I did some work starting to integrate them into my head. I still have more to do.
(6/8) - Some time ago, I had a rehearsal section for how to go about the scene, which informed a lot. There's still more I can do to examine and practice. As for memorizing lines, I can note two slip-up places, but they aren't so bad that I can't practice, and I generally get them first try. So I'm effectively crossing them off.
(6/21) - I think the scene is well examined at this point. Everything else comes from rehearsals and bouncing off my scene partners, which I can't do much to practice on my own. I'm going to consider this part done!
Also, as of today, I'm officially off-book.
School: Class (C)
C1. Create Study GuideType: School, Class
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Long
Steps: Identify common points. Note threads. Create a rough draft of a study guide that ties everything together. Then create a final draft version that's more readable.
Progress: It didn't really happen, but I filled out my notes?
C2. Prepare PresentationType: School, Class
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Long
Due: End of April
Steps: Choose case study (hint: choose from research). Look for class-discussed stuff in case study. Create powerpoint. (And maybe rehearse?)
(4/25) - Well, the project is next week. I have a case study in mind (though I didn't choose it from research; there was just a very interesting period of time weather-wise this month that I really wanted to examine further, which the professor has approved). I'm sorting out what sort of stuff to tie from class and research into the powerpoint, and I kind of have a mental outline of what I want to do. Next steps: Download the data, run the programs to create the charts. Put the information together and draw charts and diagrams to explain things. Then create powerpoint. And I've got a week to do it all, like it or not.(5/2) - Not as much done as I'd like, but it all worked out in the end. It's all done! As is the class.
EDIT: 4/14 -- Added R7 and H7.
5/5 -- Added R8. Added new section: P. It has one task: P1.
5/28 - Added P2.
6/8 - Added P3. Renamed R5 and focusing on that currently. Striked out R2; it's consistent, but I had a system for it now. Attempting H6.
6/21 - Finished P2. Made some final notes on some of my tasks to mark the end of the event.