Post by Jove on Jun 27, 2013 11:51:00 GMT -5
Who else is gonna be doing Camp Nano next month?
Post by Ashten on Jun 27, 2013 12:04:11 GMT -5
Who else is gonna be doing Camp Nano next month? Oh gosh, There's something OTHER than NaNoWriMo? xD I tried NaNoWriMo one year. I had no clue what I was supposed to do. I think there was some word count that I don't know, but whatever it is, my ADHD does not approve. I got like three pages of a very depressing story. I can't even write a short story for the NT in under a month! Sorry, I'm going off topic, lemme go check out this Camp Nano thingy... -Checks- OH. OH DEAR GOODNESS NO. NO I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE PART IN AN IDYLLIC WRITERS RETREAT, SMACK-DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF MY CRAZY LIFE. MY ADHD FREAKS OUT AT THE THOUGHT OF IT. So crazy-emotion-caps-lock-mode off, no.
Post by Ian Wolf-Park on Jun 27, 2013 12:10:41 GMT -5
Who else is gonna be doing Camp Nano next month? Oh gosh, There's something OTHER than NaNoWriMo? xD I tried NaNoWriMo one year. I had no clue what I was supposed to do. I think there was some word count that I don't know, but whatever it is, my ADHD does not approve. I got like three pages of a very depressing story. I can't even write a short story for the NT in under a month! Sorry, I'm going off topic, lemme go check out this Camp Nano thingy... -Checks- OH. OH DEAR GOODNESS NO. NO I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE PART IN AN IDYLLIC WRITERS RETREAT, SMACK-DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF MY CRAZY LIFE. MY ADHD FREAKS OUT AT THE THOUGHT OF IT. So crazy-emotion-caps-lock-mode off, no. Camp NaNo is basically an extension of NaNoWriMo, but done over the summer instead of November (the No portion of NaNoWriMo). And you don't have to write 50000 words (the length of a novel), you can set your own goals.
Post by Deleted on Jun 27, 2013 16:58:33 GMT -5
I'm making good progress on Skydwellers! Did the cover art yesterday and my goal for today is to finish making the final revision.
Post by Komori on Jun 27, 2013 17:32:15 GMT -5
I wholly support anything that sets a non-movable deadline for a project! It's about the only thing that gets my butt into gear on something big. XD Like, the only reason I'm managing to do (almost) a page of comic sketching a day is because I need to have this whole thing finished by Oct 1, because it's a Halloween-themed comic. I miss this deadline and I've got to shelve this for a whole year. So I'm definitely driven to not have that happen. So I wholeheartedly recommend people attempt a Nano challenge. It makes you way more productive.
Post by Ashten on Jun 28, 2013 0:11:03 GMT -5
Your story, "No Pain, No Gain", has been submitted successfully.
So today I was sick to the point that I was confused and just not in touch with reality. It's basically like I got drunk but I absolutely did not have alcohol of any sort at all. This tends to happen a lot. Anyways, I put myself to the rediculous test by writing AN ENTIRE SHORT STORY IN ONE DAY. I know what it's about, but I literally cannot tell how poorly written it is. And let's face it, it's going to be poorly written. It ended up being like 2000 some words. I was so mad. Last story was exactly 1800 and I want it to be closer to the 1200 count or it's just wierd looking. So if all this wasn't enough, I got one more thing to share: I DID NOT PROOFREAD THIS BABY. Sure, I skimmed it, but I'm not going to proofread a 2000 word long story! I submitted it and said it was also by my sister 'cause she helped me think of a a story and brought me water yay. Yep, I SUBMITTED IT. I'M SORRY DROPLET. IF YOU'RE READING THIS DROPLET THEN PLEASE REJECT IT BUT NOT LIKE YOU WOULDN'T ANYWAY. IT WAS WRITTEN IN LIKE A DAY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. WHILW I WAS SICK AND NOT IN TOUCH WITH REALITY.
...The funny thing is that I'm going to forget everything in the morning and when I get the rejection letter I'll be like whaaaaat is this
Post by Kristykimmy on Jun 29, 2013 11:53:54 GMT -5
Who else is gonna be doing Camp Nano next month? I am considering it... By which I mean, I've got like two days to make up my mind and Muse is like, 'Bleeeeeeh, I dunno, maybe we should get back to the comics. What do you mean you want me to tell you what those two characters you need for the next chapter look like? As if. Let's do Camp NaNo after all. I'll tell you what we'll be doing for it later. You just draw whatever in the meantime.' So, yeah, two days away, and I'm still in the 'maybe' stage. Edit: All Muse needed was a good shaming. We've picked and my novel and set it up. We're going with one that I started awhile ago, but I'm going to use what I have (All 20k of it... T-T ((No, joking, I like starting fresh regardless of wordcount if I feel I could do better.))) as planning and start from scratch. 50k is my word count goal. I also picked to be Cabinless, because while I enjoy the forums for looking for word wars, otherwise, I'm afraid I might be too distracted if I'm supposed to be interacting with other people. I've not been very good at focusing lately, so cutting down distractions is better for me. So, do we just post about Camp NaNo in this thread, or are we going to make a Camp NaNo thread like we had a NaNo thread last year?
Post by Deleted on Jun 29, 2013 12:21:52 GMT -5
Ah! I finally finished making the final revision to my novel and I'm in the process of uploading it to KDP right now!
I am so nervous
Post by Komori on Jun 30, 2013 0:17:24 GMT -5
Gwhuughh. On page 27 of a 30 page comic, and I'm realizing my main character hasn't really learned his lesson. He makes the same mistake over and over until the end, and he doesn't get the jist of why he's doing it wrong. I mean, I could add a little epiphany in one of these panels, but it would feel tacked-on, because it would only fit in a single panel, and it would be the only thought-balloon in the whole comic. @___@
Characters are supposed to grow, and all he's done is get beat up. Ghnnng.
Post by Avery on Jun 30, 2013 12:40:52 GMT -5
Every day I tell myself: "WRITE". Every day, I end up with a blank Word document open and not writing. One of these days I need to just like, disable the Internet and not let myself turn it back on till I've written. >__>
Post by Terra on Jun 30, 2013 21:21:44 GMT -5
Okay. This week, starting tomorrow, I am going to write 200 words a day. No other requirements except that it is some kind of fiction. That shouldn't be too hard, right? >_> (It's better than nothing, anyway.)
Post by Gelquie on Jun 30, 2013 21:28:15 GMT -5
Guh, there are so many things I need to write and have been meaning to write for quite some time. But I keep getting busy with schoolwork or other things, and this week is no exception. Still, after this week, I'm hoping I can whip myself into actually doing the writing that I've been meaning to do. Why is it that as soon as I have enough free time, I lose motivation to write the stories that are in my head, even if I want to write them?
Maybe I should try the 200 words a day challenge as well. But not till after my class on Wednesday.
Post by Deleted on Jun 30, 2013 23:51:22 GMT -5
I have to start posting Sons of Anarchy by Thursday at the latest, and I'm not done. I have GOT to finish at least the main part of the story. I have over a week of buffer, but even so. >__>
Post by Jove on Jul 1, 2013 0:41:24 GMT -5
I've decided to shoot for at least 900 words per day. I've picked an idea I had a while back that probably would work better as a comic only I can't draw at all and I don't have the time to learn how to write proper scripts. Also I'm gonna try and finish up some fic type things that really should have been done ages ago.
Post by Kristykimmy on Jul 1, 2013 12:04:54 GMT -5
Camp NaNo's pages seem to be working at last! =D
I've written 1,217 words already. I'm hoping to get to at least 3k before dinner.