Post by Reject Snowager Usuki on Jan 26, 2011 17:04:50 GMT -5
I would guess she's not lying. You're her friend--why would she lie about something as awesome as meeting David Tennant?
Post by Reject Snowager Usuki on Jan 26, 2011 17:17:46 GMT -5
I have the Doctor Who Visual Dictionary. It has a page all about the TARDIS, /and/ a two-page picture of Ten. 8D /shot I want the TARDIS Handbook so badly. :3
Post by insanepurpleone on Jan 26, 2011 18:33:45 GMT -5
I liked Rose, but augh Martha was my least favorite. At least with Rose they were going for a sort of mutual-like thing with her and the Doctor (and even if you don't agree with that being a good thing or whatever it makes sense because she was the first companion of the new series so the writers would want people to be attached and even if the Doctor has had companions before, the viewers haven't, so I can see why they'd want there to be a particular impact when she left), but Martha just followed him around like "wah I love the Doctor wah he doesn't love me now I'm going to be sad about it." That absolutely makes sense; and it worked, didn't it? I still can't stand Rose, though. xD Don't see any sort of connection between them. At all. Yes, Martha was extremely irritating in that sense, I agree. I just find it sort of interesting that she actually realized the Doctor caused more harm than anything else and decided to leave. d: Hm, I suppose I have to give Martha credit for that much, at least. I tried to watch the very beginning of the original series once but it was too weird for me, and kind of boring to be honest. I've considered skipping ahead a bit and seeing how I like some of the later old seasons, but I don't really know how I would decide where to start. XD
Post by Terra on Jan 26, 2011 18:36:35 GMT -5
That absolutely makes sense; and it worked, didn't it? I still can't stand Rose, though. xD Don't see any sort of connection between them. At all. Yes, Martha was extremely irritating in that sense, I agree. I just find it sort of interesting that she actually realized the Doctor caused more harm than anything else and decided to leave. d: Hm, I suppose I have to give Martha credit for that much, at least. I tried to watch the very beginning of the original series once but it was too weird for me, and kind of boring to be honest. I've considered skipping ahead a bit and seeing how I like some of the later old seasons, but I don't really know how I would decide where to start. XD The beginning of the Key of Time seems to be a pretty good place to start if you want to skip ahead to the Fourth Doctor. ^_^ New companion and beginning of the storyline and such. (I think the serial was "The Ribos Operation". It's Romana's first, and I liked it, though it's a bit slower than the current series [and has bad special effects, but that's a given]. Not as slow as "The Daleks", during which I fell asleep. >_>
Post by Rikku on Jan 26, 2011 19:31:49 GMT -5
Hm, I suppose I have to give Martha credit for that much, at least. I tried to watch the very beginning of the original series once but it was too weird for me, and kind of boring to be honest. I've considered skipping ahead a bit and seeing how I like some of the later old seasons, but I don't really know how I would decide where to start. XD Yeah, I've received a wide variety of opinions concerning the original series. xD I feel like I should watch it, but I don't know if I want to. I've heard there's bad acting and terrible special effects-- but I've also heard the storylines are amazing. (...plus the Doctors look like scary clownpeople;~ xD I've heard that the bad acting and terrible special effects are part of the appeal. Make of that what you will.
Post by insanepurpleone on Jan 26, 2011 19:50:27 GMT -5
Well, I do enjoy the bad special effects of what I've seen of Start Trek TOS. XD The episodes of ST go pretty slowly, too, but I think it's because there's so much more advertising nowadays. A modern "hour long" episode is usually somewhere around 42-45 minutes, and I know some of the Star Trek episodes were at least 50 minutes. So it feels really slow to have an extra 5-8 minutes of story that would get trimmed down nowadays.
Post by Rikku on Jan 26, 2011 19:52:30 GMT -5
Well, I do enjoy the bad special effects of what I've seen of Start Trek TOS. XD The episodes of ST go pretty slowly, too, but I think it's because there's so much more advertising nowadays. A modern "hour long" episode is usually somewhere around 42-45 minutes, and I know some of the Star Trek episodes were at least 50 minutes. So it feels really slow to have an extra 5-8 minutes of story that would get trimmed down nowadays. Well, there's that, and also they didn't understand story as well. *shrugs* So things were slower-paced and less snappy. Seems a general rule among older series.
Post by Rikku on Jan 28, 2011 0:46:55 GMT -5
The Lodger is my favourite Eleven episode, I think. It shows his character best; the juxtaposition of this strange brilliant creature into real life makes him much more surreal. It's an episode where I can truly, honestly say that Eleven was the best possible Doctor for it.
But there is still a part of me, deep down, that wishes that we could have seen Tennant be the lodger instead.
... Feel free to brick me for that one. But it needed to be said.
Post by WiP on Jan 28, 2011 11:13:07 GMT -5
Heck, even the TARDIS is different. I've just started the 5th season; I didn't even realize the TARDIS could regenerate itself. I rather like it, to me the old version looked a little cheap, and this version is very shiny. I miss the cylinders in the center piece, however; I thought they way they moved matched the TARDIS's signature wheezing perfectly.
Post by WiP on Jan 28, 2011 12:43:15 GMT -5
Same here, Wip, I was shocked to learn the TARDIS could regenerate itself, and a little upset that it did. :c (So I see you managed to find Part 1 to The End of Time?) I wonder what their reasoning was for changing quite literally everything? Yep. It took a heckuvaforever to find, but the site has season 5 as well, so I'm happy. :3 Maybe they wanted to distance Eleven from Ten? I don't know why they would want to do that, though. And I shan't be keeping myself away from apples anytime soon. The Doctor is amazing and impossible and beautiful, but I don't want him anywhere near me. Ever. He terrifies me, especially Ten. I don't want to need those kind of demi-godly heroics saving me, 'cause chances are he won't be able to save everybody. Aha, I think too much. >.>
Post by WiP on Jan 28, 2011 13:27:47 GMT -5
Yep. It took a heckuvaforever to find, but the site has season 5 as well, so I'm happy. :3 Maybe they wanted to distance Eleven from Ten? I don't know why they would want to do that, though. And I shan't be keeping myself away from apples anytime soon. The Doctor is amazing and impossible and beautiful, but I don't want him anywhere near me. Ever. He terrifies me, especially Ten. I don't want to need those kind of demi-godly heroics saving me, 'cause chances are he won't be able to save everybody.Aha, I think too much. >.> OMIGOD THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I've been trying to convince my friends forever the exact same thing! They think I'm crazy. ;~; Much as I love his character, I definitely don't want him anywhere near me, either. He sparks some sort of obsessive mutation in everyone he comes across, and I love my life too much to ever want to put myself through that. I'm satisfied with admiring from afar, thanks. xD He met Amy once and look what she spent twelve years doing... He met Reinette twice and seemed to have ~~quite~~ a lasting impression on her.(>> Astrid died for him. Rose can't live without him. Martha was smart enough to leave, and I'm shocked she was able to. Jenny hardly knew him and took a bullet for him. Adelaide was fortunate enough to realize what a monster he was and to commit suicide to keep time and space intact. Do I need to list any more? And whenever I try to tell my friends that, all they and say is "LOLOLOL I don't get it". T^T Sometimes I believe I think too much as well. Let's be overthinkers together~ =D Coolio, I half-expected a "but he's the DOCTOR" kind of reaction. XD Yes, let's. 8D
Post by Rikku on Jan 28, 2011 17:00:21 GMT -5
I agree, Rikku. I didn't really like Eleven that much until his later episodes. Though actually, that might just be because I found season five hard to... accept, I guess. I mean, with season two, we still had Rose to help transition us to the new Doctor (not that we needed transitioning for him, hahh /shot). But everything was brand new at the start of season five. (And I won't let anyone brick you for that. :P) What - hey, no, that was just for the sake of the pun. xD I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with Eleven's episodes aside from The Lodger. (Though that is my favourite.) Personally, I love his weeping angel ones as well (except for the moving thing), and Eleventh Hour is also quite brilliant. Certainly, yeah, it was quite the transition, and I still like Tenn more, but, however much we fans chatter and compare Doctors, they're all different. All brilliant for different reasons. You can't compare them, really. And you both are perfectly reasonable for thinking that. >.>; ... I'd still like to meet him, though. Not because he's silly and fun and exciting - because he does the impossible over and over again, because he makes both incredible alien worlds and our own world seem surreal and cruel and amazing. There's a reason he inspires people to live and die for him. He's a light. ... Um, but I wouldn't particularly want to meet him near the end of his era, no. xD; Poor Adelaide?
Post by insanepurpleone on Jan 28, 2011 20:51:59 GMT -5
I think the Doctor would be amazing to meet, but on the other hand.. I feel like I would end up like Donna after the first time they meet... I'd see some amazing, fantastic thing and then the doctor would leave, and I'd just spend all my time feeling like nothing in my life could be so exciting as that and waiting for his return. I mean, really, after you meet aliens and travel through space and time, that's got to leave normal life feeling a bit dull. Talk about wanderlust. XD
Post by insanepurpleone on Jan 29, 2011 0:57:26 GMT -5
Now, who I really want to meet is good old Captain Jack..
XD lol. Another character I love on the show but I don't know if I'd really want to meet him. It'd be all "no I have a boyfriend- no he is not interested in you either stop hitting on everyone plzkthx."
RORY. Rory I could handle. XD
Post by WiP on Jan 29, 2011 12:26:47 GMT -5
Now, who I really want to meet is good old Captain Jack.. XD lol. Another character I love on the show but I don't know if I'd really want to meet him. It'd be all "no I have a boyfriend- no he is not interested in you either stop hitting on everyone plzkthx." RORY. Rory I could handle. XD Yeah, Jack is the best example of Everything That Moves I've ever seen. He's hilarious. XD I honestly would want to meet Sarah Jane and her lot. Her kid, the computer, K-9, they're all awesome.