Continued Series[glow=blue,2,300]
Catching Up: Part Three[/glow]
Lianar’s job is coming along smoothly. I wonder how Patricia’s doing, and how the completed group will act together when it’s finished. It certainly promises to be interesting, with faeries from different places who don’t know each other too well.
I like how Lillian is from Maraqua. It makes sense, but it’s a refreshing change from the assumption that all faeries come from Faerieland.
I can’t help feeling that we’re still going through setup and that the real story is yet to come, but maybe that’s just because I’m so curious to see how the faeries work together. The characters intrigue me.
The Adventures of Trina: The Return of the Staff – Part Four[/glow]
Malkus Vile… wow, we don’t see a lot about him, do we? It’s nice that he gets attention here. I admit that I’d almost forgotten he existed.
I like how Trina comes up with these things. Yet I have a feeling she’s right on this one.
I wonder how they intend to find Malkus Vile. Maybe they’ll get lucky with the… accidental help that the Meerca brothers keep giving them.
An evil mastermind bent on world domination and a group of kids determined to stop him… everything’s set for a good old-fashioned adventure.
Twist of Fate: Part Four[/glow]
I really like the idea of him having Fountain Faerie magic inside him that changes him based on his mood. I also like the different versions of the story people have come up with for how he defeated Vainglory. Spirit of Darigan, ehehe… ^^
It sounded to me like he turned Darigan at the end, so I’m not quite sure if that was temporary or if he went back to being Grey.
It’s nice how the storm going from horribly destructive to leaving the sky bright and sunny relates to Fratimer’s sudden anger and recovery. ^^
The Mirror of Memories: Part Five[/glow]
A lot of things happened here, and I found it very interesting to read. It wasn’t a surprise that no time passed between trips through the mirror, but it was still fun to read Aina’s excited reaction to that revelation.
I like how you add details like the “gross green carpet” (I totally sympathize with Aina… disgusting floors scare me ><) and the creepy glass Cybunny on the nightstand (I can see how that would make it hard to get to sleep. o_0 Wonder if it’ll have an effect on the plot?).
The fact that the trip through the mirror gets shorter and shorter gives me this horrible feeling that if Aina continues to use the mirror, the two realities are going to eventually collide and time is going to be really messed up.
Perhaps my fears are unfounded, but I still wonder.
I really like how you used that old journal entry from Part Two to illustrate how Aina was a part of the diary. It was really startling to read that entry and realize it was familiar, but I’d never seen it coming. I got a lovely creepy feeling just then. And I think the whole idea of Aina being a part of the past and playing it out again is a really interesting development. She’ll probably end up changing the course of events, although I, in typical anti-climactic form, almost wish that she wouldn’t alter it at all and we’d just see what happened.
I can’t wait to see where this goes.
Sword of the Shapeshifter: Part FIve[/glow]
That was an awesome part. ^^ The Three’s deceptive talk was perfectly eerily done; you could feel the strain the characters were under. Tenultra’s bond with Darigan is really sweet. It’s great to watch them coming to each other’s rescue. Your characterization is very strong.
I adore the smart remarks Tenultra tosses at The Three. They were highly enjoyable to read. Brilliant.
*chuckle* That took me by surprise. I wonder if they have credit cards in Neopia. No reason not to, I suppose.
Another beautifully written part. I like how you manage to end every part with a strong cliffhanger, and I can’t wait to see what wisecracks Tenultra throws Miaglo’s way. ^^
Legend Seekers: Mysterious Magic – Part Six[/glow]
Ohh… the Deserted Tomb. It’s really interesting to learn how it got ruined…
Jen’s part was reallywell written, full of beautiful description and interesting events. The scroll was very interesting to read. Very nicely written illustration fo the light and shadow.
This Lupe seems like he’ll be an interesting character. His changing attitude is a bit bothersome, and what with the suspicious faerie, I wonder if Jen has disembarked to find herself among enemies.
This mysterious tower sounds interesting. At first when I read “grey” in its description, I had this wild thought that they were going to go into the Geraptiku temple and find Jen, but unfortunately the words “tower” and “brick” forced me to disregard that theory. *sigh* So I haven’t a clue what it is. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.
Another Hero’s Journey: Part Seven[/glow]
Ooh, the storm’s letting up. Now things are going to start to happen. ^^
And, already they’re happening. The letter from Rohane was a wonderful surprise. Although I knew he’d be fine, it was great to suddenly know for sure that he was all right, considering he’s been absent for the whole story. Not just for his sake, but for Melissa’s. The letter promises to be interesting; I can’t wait to see what it says. Although I have a sinking feeling that may take a while to find out, if it’s true that only Reuben knows the code. I imagine it’ll be frustrating for Melissa to not be able to read it.
…They were considering
not giving the letter to her? o_0
There are an awful lot of characters now, and I’m having trouble keeping them straight, as is usually a problem when a lot of names crop up. Some stand out more than others, such as this Shoyru messenger. He sounds like he’ll be an interesting addition to the storyline, though I don’t know what to think of him yet.
Andrea’s gift to Reuben was really sweet. ^^ I’m not sure what to make of her little brother’s name, but it felt warm and happy.
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy – Part Eight[/glow]
Aww, and so another CCR series comes to a close. I was a little surprised it ended already, but maybe that’s just me wanting more.
This final part was very well written, as always. I’m glad the relics weren’t really stolen, and I love how Mareian keeps the secret of where they actually are.
…I felt this pity for Jeran when he was talking about never being a king. He seemed to be sealing his fate. Considering Mareian is a countess now, I could actually imagine Jeran becoming a king some way or another…
The star show was nice, but wha made it special was Mareian’s reaction to it. It was sweet to see her so innocent and excited. ^^ I could picture all of the ending scenes, and the fact that you ended the series with a romantic moment was lovely.
I thought the ending was very sweet, and it left me with a good feeling. It did seem a little less conclusive than your other CCR series, since nothing much happened with the only main villain (and a good villain), Jules. I liked the fact that it ended with Rolan’s kingship, which they had been talking about in the beginning.