Confidentiality never was my strong suit.
NeonickIsHere88: What task is it anyways?
WinterGreenMins: Assassain n_n
NeonickIsHere88: :-3 YAY! I like killing peoples. I CAN DO IT!
NeonickIsHere88: *Dramatic pose*
WinterGreenMins: You seem far to weak >=3
NeonickIsHere88: I am not! ;__;! I'll tell my Mom you said that!
WinterGreenMins: Yes you are n_n
NeonickIsHere88: I am not! Give me a task that involves being strong and manly! I could do it!
WinterGreenMins: Ok then...kill your brother n_n
NeonickIsHere88: Sure! Brb. *Stalks off*
NeonickIsHere88: Sorry about this, but I've been given orders to kill you.
NeonickIsHere88: ^__^ Have a nice day. *Kills*
Huggsy666: *Dies*
NeonickIsHere88: ... *hugs your corpse*
NeonickIsHere88: x-3 HUZZAH.
WinterGreenMins: Ok then *hires*
NeonickIsHere88: Now, who am I killing? >:-3
WinterGreenMins: Stal n_n
NeonickIsHere88: ... *hugs to life* x-3
Huggsy666: Yay! X3 I order you to kill whoever ordered me dead. ... Was it the potato king?
NeonickIsHere88: It was MINDELA. :-O
NeonickIsHere88: First, though, I have orders to kill you...
NeonickIsHere88: From Huggsy's corpse.
NeonickIsHere88: ^__^ *Keels with a large axe of some kind*
WinterGreenMins: Dang....
WinterGreenMins: *dies*
NeonickIsHere88: :-3 YAYS. *Phoenix downs and shakes hand*
WinterGreenMins: Thank you ^_^ Now please go carry out your task
NeonickIsHere88: DONE. :-3
WinterGreenMins: Yay!
NeonickIsHere88: Well, I stabbed him enough that he SHOULD be dead.
NeonickIsHere88: I took the liberty of taking my fee from your purse. x-3
WinterGreenMins: Well, luckily I only keep hambones in my purse
NeonickIsHere88: ... So where'd I get the cash? <__<;; Ah, s'probably just Huggsy's life insurance. *Gnaws on a hambone*
WinterGreenMins: Maybe until I have bigger jobs for you >_>
NeonickIsHere88: Bigger like... killing... Stephen King?
WinterGreenMins: I havne't decided yet
NeonickIsHere88: Well, if you were to go for a target, I'm choose him or God. ^__^
WinterGreenMins: Doubt anyone would be able to pull those off though XD
NeonickIsHere88: ... I'll admit, King has those bodyguards... and God has his whole "godly-immortality* thing...
Huggsy666: omg. X3
NeonickIsHere88: OMG.
NeonickIsHere88: OMGOMGOMG.
Huggsy666: OMG
NeonickIsHere88: LYK... OMG!
WinterGreenMins: Now I can't even remember why I wanted Stal killed
NeonickIsHere88: Hey, so long as I get my hambones, I don't care. x-3333 *chewchew*
NeonickIsHere88: Kill as many peoples as you want! :-D
WinterGreenMins: Hehe kiling is fun!