Post by Deleted on Apr 27, 2003 17:46:59 GMT -5
Onda: For listening. I think she must be very good at it, she comlimented everyone exelently!
Post by Deleted on Apr 27, 2003 18:11:43 GMT -5
People I know I haven't complimented yet:
Lis--She's always there for everyone and is always preparing a hug for them
Smiley--Super funny, super nice, super friend
Teghan--Kind, strong-willed, (for doing all those requests) and quite funny
GLQ--GLQ, do I know you? Well, I think so, and you certainly are a funny and kind-hearted person
People I sorta know, want to know or idolize that I haven't complimented yet:
Patjade--Super Addie! She works so hard to keep everyone here happy and is always cheering people up!
Linny--I don't know her at all, though I wish I did. She's super funny, always makes me laugh, is a great artist and is WAY cool
Jsm--Kind, funny and very creative
Tdyans--Is always helping out at the work reviews, practically editing their whole entry so it appears as if it was done by a Times star
FirePixie--Always lending a hand, lending advice, lending everything
There's more, and I'll remember them soon enough
Post by calvinseviltwin on Apr 27, 2003 18:25:37 GMT -5
Megz - For just...y'know, being spiffy ol' Megz.-Peachie You are so well deversed in adjectives Peachie Megz: She always has something insightful or encouraging to say, and she's a great contributor to this forum.-SEL Dark night Woah when has SHE been insightful? Megz - One of the most cheerful people I've ever talked to online; thanks for being there, ready to listen to any of my troubles and make random comments. -Mera Randomness runs in my blood. Cheerful? Heeh glad you think so. ^^ Megz: What can I say, you manage to brighten my day even when I have a raincloud over my head like that day Merato dissapeared. Cookies do help^^-Mera Ah...the power of cookies And now Megz will go into her big thank you. Good God I'm at the oscars! XD This is done in no particalar order Sabreur: For giving me some of my favourite away messages. And dealing with Melissa Kiddo: For doing the Dark Night/Duirchye comic. ALthough i don't approve of giving my friends their favourite rock stars in tuxes for their birthdays Mera: for being the Über spiffy artist that she ish! Poy: For sharing my Queen obesession. Peachie: for inventing the word SPIFFY! Keeta: For sharing with me the joys of muffin day Sol_Es_Lunstra: For thinking some things I say are enligthening. I wonder what you are refering do thoug (Dark Night: We all ponder that I think...) Everyone on my AIM buddy list who I'm too lazy to mention: Thank you for dealing with my insanity To everyone I've spoken too on the forum: MEEP! And now I'm off into Queen Land. *takes out CDs*
Post by apparent on Apr 27, 2003 18:29:24 GMT -5
To Noremac and Peachi for bringing originality to saying hello. NOREMAC PEACHI NOREMAC PEACHI NOREMAC PEACHI LMAO ;D
Post by Deleted on Apr 27, 2003 19:56:00 GMT -5
A big thanks to everyone who gave me a compliment, now that I have thought out some more...
Sabreur: Your writing rocks, plus you and Kiddo both bet a big thanks for letting me onto the Knightly Order's council^^
Tdyans: What can I say, you're an inspirational author, and a great help on the boards.
LDF: You not only write well, but draw wonderfully as well, and you do a great job at that.
leb388: Just a thanks for all of the wonderful stories that you have gotten up into the Times^^
too_kule: You too have impressed up with all of your stories, and the Time Twisters series was fun to read.
Linnen Potter: Your artwork is absolutely wonderful to look at, plus all of your complements on other peoples work are nice too.
Al_the_chia: Thank you for impressing us with your wonderful stories for so long, and even if you stopped writing for the times, your stories legacy will live on forever.
oddhatter: I can always look at your artwork with awe, plus the tales you have spun on your comics can always give us a good laugh.
the_darkjedi: We can all easily say that your artwork is amazing, and of all the artists out there, you probably rank among the top!
I could certainly list many, many, many more people, because everyone here deserves a compliment or ten^^ But for now, happy reading!
Post by teghan62 on Apr 27, 2003 21:57:21 GMT -5
Teghan for just being you. I really appreciate you for that! Thanks. I'll continue being me. Lis for being really friendly, and always ready to cheer you up. ^_^
Post by teghan62 on Apr 27, 2003 21:59:37 GMT -5
Teghan--Kind, strong-willed, (for doing all those requests) and quite funny Kind. XD Bah. I was bored. I stole half of that stuff Cheshire is a great friend, and a really nice person to talk to.
Post by poy222 on Apr 28, 2003 6:06:12 GMT -5
My turn in no specific order: Megz: For being a good friend and having funny ideas, along with hosting the Whose Line shows. Keeta: For listening to me and helping me with the Lenny Conundrum. Onda_Bianca: For caring about what I have to say and always giving hugs. Beau_Lis: For giving people a warm and fuzzy feeling. Noremac: For being himself and making me realize that my grandmother's a movie star Smiley: For her super 'Hola' language skills. The Chesire Cat: For being a darn good Starbucks employee and giving me a drink. Eatm1ce: For the hugs. Teghan: For being a good friend and always inviting me to the chat. Sol: For being wise and helping me with Spanish. Al: For being a good pal Oddhatter: For being her wise self all the time and for her super cool art. Karma: For caring about what I have to say. the_darkjedi: For doing awesome art to keep me amazed. Peachifruit: For making fun stories Patjade: For being kind and listening to all I have to say. And for her motherliness Josh: For making me laugh every time I neomailed him and for teaching me a lot. L: For making a lot possible and being herself. Aus: For being cool. (And for the time he hosted Whose Line;)) Tdyans: For helping me when I was a newbie to the 'Times. ember: For being a good person. rishiy: For having a good sense of humor. gentle_lil_queen: For her help. Tracy: For doing an awesome collaboration with me and for being funny and smart. TAA: For helping me feel better very quickly when I was sick;) Antikyle: For his art that rules! Lapin: For taking a lot of time in organizing things for Felicia's birthday. Mizukori: For her super web-page-making skills. Battlesunn: For the cool picture of Vicious and her contributions to the short story dept. Meratocat: For the picture of eatmore! Cupil: For the picture of Shadey! If I forgot someone, please don't feel hurt!
Post by Patjade on Apr 28, 2003 7:02:54 GMT -5
All of you are too kind!
I want to complement EVERYONE here, for without all of you, there wouldn't BE an NT Writer's Forum.
And without ALL of you, the Neopian Times would be a far poorer online 'zine.
And thanks to the NTWF, we all have formed a very cohesive, friendly, and helpful place where friends can hang out, talk, share writing, be silly, and be one of the best online communities I have ever seen!
So here's to the membership of the NTWF, Population, 600+. Saaaaaaaa-lute!
Post by TK on Apr 28, 2003 7:33:22 GMT -5
TK-- A great pal, reviewer, and writer! Battlesunn, for her awesome stories and always so fun! TK- A very prolific writer, and overall cool person. Very funny. ^_^ TheEaterofWorlds, possibly the creator of the craziest username ever. too_kule: You too have impressed up with all of your stories, and the Time Twisters series was fun to read. Meratocat, for being so generous ('specially with your art requests) and not to mention being such a great writer. Also... Leb: For making the compliment thread in the first place... and for your unique writing. Cheshire: For making the compliment thread again. Lapin: You scare me... in a good way of course Tdyans: For being so dedicated to your guild, your writing and being such a great pal to everyone here. PatJade: For stopping all of us hyper kids from practically destroying the forum, and doing it with a smile Stoneman: You're 100% funny when you really want to be, and still able to write a captivating article without the humour! Peachi: Your stories are really creative, and you're also very funny. Ichi_Deru (peachi's Meerca): For providing EmeraldBlitz's first crush and filing a restraining order before he did something drastic. Noremac: Your articles and stories are hilarious to read! Sim: My partner in crime writing and also a talented artist... not to mention a great pal. Poy: You're a really great writer and fun to talk to. Lugia: Your comic is really great with awesome art. Tracypaper: You have such a great comic too. Teghan: You have creative stories and you're fun to talk to. Linny: Your AWESOME (not dungalicious, but awesome) comic is very... awesome and so are you! Sabreur: Your guild is great and so is your series which I look forward to reading. Kiddo: Your stories are really great and you too put lots of work into the Knightly Order of Meridell. Felicia: For taking the torch well and putting much work into the Neopian Times. Darrel: You put a whole ton of effort into making the News Brief enjoyable to read, and try to make the Times as perfect as possible. And everyone else here. You've been so much fun to chat with it's just been a blast.
Post by noremac9 on Apr 28, 2003 8:05:18 GMT -5
Noremac9- Their articles are also really, really good. Funny, and informative. Everything an article should be. Noremac - Your articles and stories have made me laugh harder than anything else I've ever seen in the Times; it's the mark of something truly great that you can think back to a paragraph weeks later and still laugh your head off (for me, it was the description in one of your stories of the Grundo's brain kicking into high gear to think ). You know just when to laugh along or lift someone out of a slump, and for that you deserve many, many thanks. Noremac for being a great writer (I love your articles) and friend. Noremac - For annoying the heck out of Smiley all the time with me. ^_~ Oh, and for his spiffy articles and stories. Noremac: For possibly haveing the most recognisable avatar ever. (who can resist a cloud Kacheek) noremac for being a very cool guy! Noremac: For being himself and making me realize that my grandmother's a movie star Noremac: Your articles and stories are hilarious to read! Wow, thanks to all of you... =) Teow: Best article reviewer around, hands down. Cool person, and great artist! What more could you want? Jan: Okay, not only is Jan a really cool person, but she put up with me chatfighting with drool for about two minutes. Who esle has that kind of stamina? Plus, she's a great friend, a good writer and-- can you say NeoQuest? Apparent: She's a lot of fun, and cool to be around. Plus, her short stories are ingaging, and she always gets custom pics. =P Not fair, not fair I say! Peachi: For being a good friend, and being my partner in NTWFer crime. >=) Plus, who DOESN'T like Magnolia? Not to mention the fact that she's funny, and fun to make fun of. Rishiy: For hanging around a lot and offering help to all kinds of people. =) Beau_Lis: For hanging around tons, giving hugs and offering advice. Plus, she's the only one here that knows how to use "hon"! Poy: For being himself, loving strong sad, and being nice in general. Plus, cool stories. And his grandmother's FAMOUS! TK: He's always around to confuse us by speaking... and switching POV... and he's just cool. Cool! Whew.... I'll do my own personal ones later, but I have to go right now...
Post by starhamster on Apr 28, 2003 8:33:08 GMT -5
Jan: Okay, not only is Jan a really cool person, but she put up with me chatfighting with drool for about two minutes. Who esle has that kind of stamina? Plus, she's a great friend, a good writer and-- can you say NeoQuest? *Covers eyes* Oh, the horror - I was busy trying to suppress that memory. We'll have to work on your chatfighting and insult-swordfighting skillz some weekend.
Post by antikyle on Apr 28, 2003 9:04:02 GMT -5
Antikyle: Another amazing artist, also will go far. Kinda miss his witty banter around the forum, but I'm sure he'll be back soon. Back! And full of banter (and pie. I likes the pie.) And re-doing your art request as we speak (New and improved, with %10 more clam!). Well, actually, avoiding English work as we speak. It's repellant. FirePixie: For the confidance! Antikyle: For his art that rules! Poy: For being delusional in a very friendly way! And for being a homestar fan! I'd give compliments to all the Times writers I admire, but I'd come off as creepy and people would have to start avoiding me. More. And I wanna thank Megz for being my first warm welcomer here, and also for all the fish. And for the amusing AIM converstations which are mostly just fond memories because I am a lazy ass. I'm getting help. I mean, I will. Maybe. Tomorrow... or next week.
Post by calvinseviltwin on Apr 28, 2003 9:06:59 GMT -5
And I wanna thank Megz for being my first warm welcomer here, and also for all the fish. And for the amusing AIM converstations which are mostly just fond memories because I am a lazy ass. I'm getting help. I mean, I will. Maybe. Tomorrow... or next week. *snerks* Kyle...all I have to say is "AIM flashes". *Cracks up*
Post by noremac9 on Apr 28, 2003 9:10:14 GMT -5
*Covers eyes* Oh, the horror - I was busy trying to suppress that memory. We'll have to work on your chatfighting and insult-swordfighting skillz some weekend. Aye, Cap'n! Me ain't the scurviest chatfighter on the sea, but at least... at least... I'm alive! Yup, that's definitely an advantage I have over other chatfighters!