Post by Allison on Dec 30, 2020 12:47:34 GMT -5
Okay. Just I want to say that I chuckle/laugh a bit with I see some of the thread titles on here, because NOTHING I've seen on here is "terrible" or "bad." Nothing! I know we're all our own worst critics, and that some of it is just some self-depreciating humor. (Now I'm questioning myself on the term "self-depreciating...)but I wish I could draw... well... much of anything! If you've ever gotten a Christmas card from me, there is a reason there has never been (and will never be) and actual drawing from me. Well, okay. I think I attempted to draw a holly leaf or two, or something like that one year. But as far as any REAL drawings or creatures or anything like that? Yeah, not going to happen. So just remember that to those of us who can't draw, you are all awesome.