This club is for fans and/or owners of Ball Jointed Dolls!
What are BJD's? Ball Jointed Dolls, also known as Dollphy/Dollfies are resin dolls that are highly pose-able and greatly customize-able. It's an expensive hobby to get into, but really worth it if you love dolls! The main three sizes are SD (super dolfie = 1/3) MSD (mini super dolfie 1/4) YOSD (small super dolfie 1/6)
Hujoo's and Pullips If you own and/or are a fan of hujoo's and pullips you can also join this club. These are not dollfies, but they are ball jointed and highly customize-able and work with a similar system.
Activity's I'll start making activities when we have enough members These will be mostly creative missions e.g. photograph your doll in a cheery setting, or make a photo story of your doll etc. Of course for those who don't own a doll they can participate through art or photo manipulation.