Post by wabbitplatypodes on Apr 22, 2012 2:36:09 GMT -5
this is a fanclub for TODD ALLISON AND THE PETUNIA VIOLET which is a webcomic you have PROBABLY SEEN ADS FOR on deviantart or tvtropes or something because wow it got super popular all the sudden. it is a webcomic set in melbourne, australia in the 1920s. the cast(which is UTTERLY EXCELLENT) ranges from our main character, an 18-year-old girl named petunia elkwood, to her neighbour todd allison who is an angsty ginger biochemist with a fondness for plants coUGHS, to several other different kinds of geniuses and psychopaths galore; including violet, the mastermind behind the serial bombings that have been going on around town. also everyone likes wearing suits and bowties and glasses and coats and hats and they all have accents PLEASE READ THIS COMIC IT IS FANTASTIC SOBS www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/Todd-Allison--the-Petunia-Violet/detail-page/23now if you're anything like me(which i hope to god you aren't) you're also probably going to be wondering who the heck the artistic comedic genius behind this WONDERFUL COMIC is. they go by the name of nozmo and here go stalk them: deviantart: jknozmo tumblr: zeeenya ALSO WHILE YOU'RE AT IT GO READ ALL HER OTHER currently inactive WEBCOMICS the ebony prince: ebony.smackjeeves.com/comics/118142/001-once-upon-a-time/dinner for three: dinner43.smackjeeves.com/ WARNING THIS WILL GIVE YOU...so many feels.... sobs... alternate: alternate.smackjeeves.com/ t+p just updated literally like within the last hour by the way also i'll shUT UP NOW HAHA selm gold