Soup Bowl - by plaquenil
I love the whole shroom thing. It's very original ^_^
Though... I'm afraid I don't get the joke.
The details outside the windows is a very nice feature. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what it was - not that I mind that - I like a comic where you keep finding new stuff everytime you look at it.
Splodge - Beauty in the Ear of the Beholder... - by scribble
The art is smudgy - in a good way
It suits the way the characters are drawn. The comic is not hilarious funny, but I think you found a good way to make fun of how the Aisha's ears work. They way the Aisha holds the book in the last panel seems a bit awkward.
It's simple, easy to read and understand, and I think your style is very original. Good job
Fond Memories: One "Lucky" Wheel - by prettyprincesslady54
The art here is very clean and well drawn. The joke is not very obvious (to me at least), or it might just be so obvious, that I can't see it. However, I love the shading of both the wheel and Pteri.
Neo-Nightmare - by placid_nightmare
Hilarious, just hilarious! The art is esquicite (spelled wrong, I bet, but you get the idea), and the expression adds to the humor in the story. I really like how you manage to bring out emotions via the panels themselves. Original story. Good job
Maths Nightmare - Upgraded - by archangellight
Very nice one-panel comic. I can relate to the comic, and I think you did a good job at making an original comic, from a game that had that coming for a while now. I bet solving a babaa like that one, would bring joy to the avatar collectors
Good job!
Sound Effects - by white_draigon
The art is very clean and easy on the eyes. The first panel is a bit of a mystery to me. It seems to me, that you could've just left out the Kacheek, as he doesn't seem to have any effect on the joke itself.
Great work on the facial expressions, and I love how you drew Talinia - she's huggable
All Ears - by tdyans
Ahhh yes, the 'ears' are back
This is a comic where I seem to find a couple of jokes in the same comic.
I'm afraid to say, that I don't seem to get the main joke, but that might be because I'm not into this 'pirate talk'. I DO however, get the joke about using the dubloon slot, and I find that very amusing - in fact I found it a bit scary, since one of my upcoming comics is going to be somewhat similar .oO(You stoly my idea you scalawag!)
As always - great concept, very original, but not very "i-don't-get-the-whole-pirate-talk-thing" friendly *laughs at my own ignorance*
Xannie-Bo-Bannie - by 5tnt
A comic I can totally relate to! I've tried just that myself.
The art is nice, but I noticed that the bandage (or whatever it's called) from the first panel is missing in the rest of the comic - just a minor detail - no biggie.
The expressions are simple, but easy to 'read', and I especially like the fire-lit eyes in the last panel. Good job.
When Coconuts Go Bad... - by buddy__blankies
I'm glad you got it sorted out with the whole missing sentance thing. I understand why you paniced. It wouldn't have had the same effect if it didn't get back on.
A mixed media? How original! I've never seen a half pencil/half digial art drawing before. It looks very nice, and the joke is original. The half buried bucket and spade is a nice detail that adds to the atmosphere. Good job
Neopian Circumstances - by nefily
A very cool one-panel comic! You've managed to make capture two (somewhat) overused characters, and put them together in a very original comic. The art is clean and soft, and I just want to hug that lil' Sloth
Good job!
And the Meepits Outgrabe - by kittylin
As always, Miss Kitty manages to deliver an outstanding piece of work. The pastels and the lines are soft and cuddly, and the story is very cute. I don't really have anything to critisize
Good job!
I Can't Hear Myself Think! - by patjade
Hehehe.... very cool and funny comic.
The art is decent, and the story is original. However, I think that the second panel could've been left out without a problem. Other than that, it's makes me think of my sister and how she plays loud music - it's very easy to relate to this comic I can imagine. Good job!
Being Evil Isn't Easy - by chibi_zoo
Beautiful art! The story is not very original (the whole evil villan gets no respect thing), but you manage to bring out the element of surprise, and the last panel is just priceless! I almost feel sorry for the poor Cybunny
Good job!
I'll do the rest of the comics tomorrow. Feel free to rant me if you think I make no sense at all