Thanks Ember and Linny! Yeah... I do get a lot of neomail, but if you toss out the ones who:
A) Think the stuff in my GALLERY is priced too high and I should lower the prices...
B) Want to know if their pet can date my pet...
C) Want me to vote for their pic in the Beauty Contest...
D) Want me to draw a pic for them so they can enter the Beauty Contest...
E) Challenge me to the Battledome through neomail because I have Battledome challenges blocked...
F) Ask me to join their guild because I have guild requests blocked...
G) Say nothing but "A/S/L?"
H) Want me to forward a chain letter about a little girl who lost her daddy in 911 because the Red Cross can psychically determine neomail forwarding and donate to the relief fund of 911 victims...
I) Want to know how to get a Krawk...
J) Want me to give them a Krawk...
K) Want to know where to get a fire paint brush...
L) Want me to give them a fire paint brush...
M) Want me to check out their shop and tell them what I think...
N) Want me to check out their Neopets and tell them what I think...
O) Want me to check out their Neopets pet pages and tell them what I think...
P) Want me to check out their guild and tell them what I think...
Q) Want to know how I got so rich despite the fact I keep saying I am not rich...
R) Want to know where they can go to find Commander Garoo...
S) Simply write to me to tell me that I have a lot trophies because I probably hadn't noticed that...
T) Want to know where Jelly World is...
U) Who don't answer my personal Neomails about setting up a time to play my multiplayer competition games and then send me "move or lose" notices...
V) Cuss me out for blocking a friend of theirs who previously cussed me out for something I wrote about Chias or Lennies...
W) Ask me "Who are you? Your SN looks familiar"...
X) Write back "You're welcome" to my reply "Thanks"...
Y) Want me to give them a codestone or a faerie in exchange for information about where the Hidden Tower is...
Z) Want to know if you can really have your Neomail frozen for sending too many Neomails in one day, or if I'm just saying that because I'm too lazy to answer my Neomail...
THEN... I get probably about 10 fan neomails a day.