Matters may be complicated, but there are still things I can do. Heck, this may be a good opportunity!
School: Research (R)
R1. Read Literature (and take notes)Tag: Reading, Writing, School
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Medium-Long
Steps: Read literature. Jot down roughly what's going on. Expand. Incorporate into notes for intro of thesis. (Consider separating by subject type and consolidate notes accordingly.)
Progress: None
R2. Write introductionTag: Reading, Writing, School
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Medium-Long
Steps: Read literature. Get good understanding. Reference other intros to know how to go about it (short time). Note sections. Make outline of what needs to be written. And... write.
Progress: None
R3. ComputationTag: Math, School
Difficulty: Hard
Length: However long it takes; Medium-Long?
Steps: Try different methods. See which ones work, and which ones are better. Examine stats texts.
Progress: None
Computer (C)
C1. Contact ManufacturerTag: Computer, Social
Difficulty: Depends on how I'm feeling and how they are about it all
Length: I don't know
Steps: Have info ready. Then call or email. Just... do it.
Progress: I did... they weren't very helpful. Not writing this off mainly because I can contact them again, but I'm getting skeptical to if they can help me, unless I can get someone who knows more about computers and not someone reading from a script.
C2. Sort PhotosTag: Computer, Life
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Long
Steps: Sort photos in my computer photo albums. (When able.)
Progress: None
Home/Life (H)
H1. Sort clothesTag: Life
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium-Long
Steps: Note where everything else and what I have. Sort where it makes sense when needed. Ties into next task.
Progress: None
H2. Compile clothes to donateTag: Life
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium
Steps: Ties into first task. Take clothes to donate and set them in one pile. Donate when time is appropriate. Now is not due to the pandemic response.
Progress: None
H3. Sort booksTag: Life
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium
Steps: Sort books; finish re-sorting them. Try to empty one box.
Progress: None
H4. Sort HouseTag: Life
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium
Steps: Clean up the clutter. Do it in sections.
Progress: I did some cleaning during a spree earlier in the week. I'd hardly call my house sorted, but it's a little better.
(3/24) - I set aside an hour and did a bunch! Mostly, I wanted to clear up the living room so that I could properly position my desk so that I can have a space for work and a space for play. Still haven't really decided which will be which yet, though. Anyway! This involved moving some boxes to a different room, relocating some boxes, and reallocating some old notes/folders/textbooks to a different box. I managed to reduce a box this way! The empty box is now lying unceremoniously in my overcrowded closet where I'll probably remember it later. (Note to self: Return to that box and go through those notes; there's some redundancies that I can get rid of to make more room.)
+10 space, -1 bedroom space, +1 piano setup motivation, +2 papercuts!
H5. Clean HouseTag: Life
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium
Steps: Floors (vacuum, sweep), bathroom, windows, behind stuff (especially in kitchen), counters, stove
Progress: None
H6. Clean and season cast-iron panTag: Life
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Short
Steps: Just... do it. Scrub. Clean. Season (oil and bake).
Progress: None
H7. Sew belt loops... or just donate those pantsTag: Life
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Short
Steps: Decide if it's worth donating. Get materials, or bring it in to a tailor.
Progress: None
Misc (M)
M1. Learn PythonTag: Programming, Career
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Continuous
Steps: Practice! Install (when able) and try it alongside scripts, unless higher-priority task is needed.
Progress: None
M2. Read that PlayTag: Recreation
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Short
Steps: Yeah.
Progress: None
M3. Learn to CrochetTag: Recreation, Arts and Crafts
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Undetermined
Steps: Basically, I should at least get it down to being able to do each of the steps and being able to read a simple pattern. Once I do that, and possibly a little test project, I'll consider it learned and leave the rest to practice.
Progress: Re-learned chaining. Getting the hang of crocheting. I think I'm missing some nuances. There's more steps.