Post by June Scarlet on May 16, 2019 13:36:27 GMT -5
I've finished with my tests! And I just have one final critique this evening, and I'm done! I don't even have to come into tutoring work next Monday, which is officially the last day of finals week. Apparently no one shows up for tutoring then, which makes sense because it's too late for help by then. And I'm continuing working weekends through May, so I'll have weekdays off for the next two weeks! I'll be like a vacation! And then I'm taking a summer class starting in June, and working three days a week at the bakery. I've finished the signatures project, you can find the latest batch here: ntwriters.proboards.com/post/2719956/threadI reapplied to the one job, and replied to an email from the other job. Next week, I'll work more on career stuff, I think. I should have more time. Added a few more art projects to the list. I worked on sketching for both Crime Show and Storyweaver. I was actually in the mood to draw a comic, but I need more practice drawing Lisa Copper and Franklin Fuzz. At least I've moved on to inking my sketches for that. Next Week: Career Stuff Crime Show Storyweaver Random Art Stuff
Post by Lizica on May 16, 2019 23:22:14 GMT -5
This week, Soft Glow officially broke my eraser tool. 8D *waves flag* At first I just rolled with it (with a roundabout use of the selection tool), because the problem seemed to be just with Soft Glow and not any other canvases. ...But then my friend chose the logo sketch for me to finalize, and it turns out the eraser was busted on all large files. xD
Anyway, I sent in a ticket to the art program folks, and I had to reset the program back to its default settings. But I can erase again now! \ o /
I also worked on =DDDDD a bit last night because traditional art sounded really great after all the digital art frustration. xD
Basically, slight progress again but never finishing. xD
Post by June Scarlet on May 23, 2019 20:56:07 GMT -5
College is still done, which is great. Though I realize I'll have to put it back on the list, once the summer session starts in June. But I'll worry about that in a week. I'm really enjoying my time off. I've done more sketching for Crime Show. I've drawn Oversized T-shirt Girl here, so I can cross that off the list: ntwriters.proboards.com/post/2720181/threadI'm on my third version of the October Creative Challenges Badge, and I'm currently asking for feedback here: ntwriters.proboards.com/post/2720208/threadI'm caught up on Ink: Inversion right now. I need to think of a way to spread it to more people. Beauty Contest hasn't been an option lately because I've been working at start time, and losing that first afternoon is really hard. Hm. I've started writing the Storyweaver Story, decided to go for a short story. And I'm waiting to hear back about a possible mentorship that could lead into a job.
Post by June Scarlet on May 31, 2019 21:26:14 GMT -5
This has been quite a busy week. Had work on the weekend, spent all day at Grandma's on Monday for the holiday, then Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and a bit of today was dealing with the roofers. So I haven't had much time.
Mentorship has started, I'm learning a php framework called Laravel, and the guy is helping me with any questions or problems I have. As best he can, since he's on a mac, and I'm on windows, so there's some differences. Anyway, I'm going to add that to the list, because it's very important to me now.
I really like Spring Cleaning as an event. I enjoy making weekly updates, and having a list of projects. However, summer cleaning wasn't really a success, I think it's better to have it just once a year, or else people just get burnout on the event. I'm considering making a diary thread for myself for weekly updates on my projects once Spring Cleaning is over.
Comic'er Club: ? ? ? is officially put on hold until the forum layout is figured out. Because I was planning on putting that thread in an underused board, Creative Endeavors, which looks like will be cleaned away. Gotta wait and see which board is best under the new structure.
I think the forum badge I designed for October was a success, or at least, no one has complained about it. So I guess the next step is to submit it to the mods? Not sure how that works. Also reminds me, I gotta talk to that one person again about tracking down the badges for spring cleaning.
Post by Gelquie on May 31, 2019 21:35:43 GMT -5
I skipped the last few updates because I had gone on a trip/vacation, and in that time didn't really do that much. Seeing how long it's been, and since the event ends on a Friday, I'm going to update on Fridays from now on, starting now.
Not that there's much to say. I only just got off my vacation.
I went to a play reading, which pretty much wrapped up P1; Read Script. I still read it over a few times, mainly to get the scenes I need for my character. I've been working on scene examination and memorizing my lines. I wouldn't say I'm Completely Ready yet, but I can already say quite a few of my lines without having to look. There's a part in the middle that I have trouble memorizing because What Are Those Lines Even, but maybe I can wring out that problem at a rehearsal when I can get some input.
I've resumed apartment-hunting, though I'm not very far. I've started looking at places, though there's always more logistics to work out. Like ones that don't have all utilities and figuring out the Math for that; I'll spare the details. I need to do more, though.
I don't have much. But for my own sake, some priority ones for the next week or so: -R7. Big Meeting -- Time to get back to that and. Uh. Figure that out? ='D -H6. Find New Apartment -P2. Examine Scene and Memorize Lines -Research -- Generalized because I don't have a specific plan now; maybe I'll figure that out once I properly get back to work.
Post by June Scarlet on Jun 7, 2019 21:10:41 GMT -5
Made good progress on learning Laravel, my mentor thinks I'm ready to start building a basic app with it. I'm currently working on the wireframe and such. Forum badge needs more tweaking. I have an idea to fix the issue where people think it's a hand, but I need time to work on it. Ink: Inversion Part 10 didn't appear in the Times today. I decided to call Nathan's project done, and put off redesigning his lookup for summer. In fact, I'm going to make one of my summer projects finish all my pets lookups. I have a template, I have the signatures ready to go now, I even have some already done. I just need to finish the rest of them. Next week I'm not going to have much time for projects. Summer class starts tomorrow, so that takes priority, and then I work, or am hanging out with family the other days. Oh man, where did my May break go? Not much of a break at all.
Post by Gelquie on Jun 8, 2019 3:50:37 GMT -5
Friday! ...Well, after... Close enough!
This week, I ended up doing a lot of housekeeping things, including things not on this list, because I really had to spring clean my mind of random miscellaneous things I need to do in order to make progress.
This included apartment hunting, but... It's not going well. A bunch of places have been snapped up, nothing's really suiting my needs. I might buy a thing that might help me for where I am in the meantime, though it's still not an ideal solution. I kinda just have to keep my eye on listings and act as quickly as possible if I see something.
Play stuff is progressing. I've more-or-less learned my lines. (I stumble in two places, but I tend to get them. But now that falls under a...) New category, P3: Practice. Basically, I need to go through them at least once a day, along with all the rehearsals. That's the plan. Anyway, I crossed off part of P2 because I've basically learned the lines. My talking about the issue in mini-comments helped a bit; it helped cement the correct word in my mind.
So, research!
I kinda didn't do much on it this week, but I did do stuff, and intend to focus mostly on that for the next few weeks. I've crossed off a bunch of things everywhere else, but the place where I am now in research is... a mess. And I need to work on it. It's a lot of reading and applying stuff right now, as well as, uh, finding out how to do the thing I want to do. I re-named R5 because what I wanted to do wasn't quiiite accurate, but also to make it more vague because internet. I'm focusing on that and hoping to figure it out sometime in the next week or two. But it's not straightforward, so we'll see. Anyway, I spent today doing a bunch of research on that.
I crossed off R2 because I figured out a reading system that works for me, and I think I'd rather do that than follow some arbitrary "read x articles" goal that doesn't necessarily apply to what I'm doing at the moment. R5 may be helping me get into the habit of doing all that reading anyway, since that's how I find what I need. If I ever fall off the wagon again, though, I have to revisit that issue.
Tried again at R7... Tried. ...Yeah.
And well, here I am! Kind of in the middle of things when it comes to research and play stuff, but hey, not every week has to end solidly. It's all a process. Hopefully I can wade myself out of the my research mess soon, and have an easier time making sense of where I am.
Post by Lizica on Jun 13, 2019 18:39:30 GMT -5
Hello, update thread! xD It's been a while. I haven't updated because I really hadn't gotten much done, and sometimes things were just way too busy with travel and stuff. xD
Anyway, belated update to note that I did finish =DDDDD a bit ago! And then I also drew a sequel, because it needed it. xP
I started working on Soft Glow a bit again the past couple days. I probably should be working on my friend's logo instead, but for some reason, the idea of drawing lineart digitally (instead of scanning in traditional pen and tweaking it) has just been so exhausting lately. Maybe I should just print out the logo sketch and draw it in by hand and go through the mess of cleaning it up digitally, if that's what it takes for me to stop procrastinating. XD
Post by June Scarlet on Jun 13, 2019 21:15:08 GMT -5
I finished making the documentation for the Laravel webcomic app. I've only done the very first step in actually making it, though.
My summer class started, and my group is making a messenger app. Already typed up some documentation and make some wireframes, good stuff.
I got the holdover notice for Ink Part 10, so it should be out this Friday, or whenever the next Times comes out.
Next week is the last week for this event. I would at least like to be able to cross off the October creative challenges forum badge off my list. Also need to enact plans for summer project record keeping. Probably should get on that before summer actually starts.
Post by Gelquie on Jun 15, 2019 21:23:20 GMT -5
Still been practicing stuff for the play. I already crossed out learning my lines, but it's getting smoother now. I think what I need to do now is practicing in front of a mirror to ensure my facial expressions are actually following along with what I'm doing. I think I've examined the scene all I can at this point, though I'll keep my mind open for anything else! So yeah, I'm practicing.
Research, I haven't done much this week as I've been focused on other things. But I did figure out a tactic to follow through on, so I just need to figure out the code for that. Which... will take some time. I just need to get to it. But hey, I have a direction!
Apartment hunting... is still happening! I still liked the place I saw, but I've got kind of a social anxiety bug lately where I get tripped up by any little thing, even though my place is objectively bad. And that's still kind of a thing. So... yeah.
I think that's all I have. The stuff I had to do isn't on my list, so I can't comment on those. Still, I need to buckle down on a few things soon.
I think there's one more week to this event? Let's see how many I can cross off! (I'll miss this. This has been a good way to keep me accountable.)
Post by June Scarlet on Jun 20, 2019 21:09:00 GMT -5
Last update for the event, though maybe I'll come back and do a reflection on the entire event once it's over, I think.
I created a journal to keep track of projects and progress in the off season. So that the goodness of Spring Cleaning can last all year 'round for me.
I created another draft for the October Creative Challenges, and this draft is much clearer, people are able to tell what it is. So I'm thinking it's probably the final draft, and I can submit it to the mods sometime next week, when they're not busy Spring Cleaning the forum.
Made another mockup for the app we're creating. Started writing some documentation as well. Even created the Android Studio File to start on the app. Also this is forcing me to learn more about github, which is already on my list, so that's a plus.
Also believe it or not, I did some writing today, for the Storyweaver story. Did the planning last night, wrote in my sketchbook while I was waiting for my car, and then typed it up at a local coffeehouse. I wrote 822 words, which is very good for me.
So yeah, a good week.
Post by Gelquie on Jun 22, 2019 2:06:56 GMT -5
So, apparently this is the last update? Guess since it's the last time for this season: My Projects List, as I left it. I've made some research progress, though not as much as intended. I'm still horribly behind on thesis writing, and I still haven't figured out two research methods. It occurs to me, though, that because of how R5 (data method) is going, I could've combined that and R4. Oh well; too late now. At least I kinda figured that out. I did make a bunch of progress on that. Even yesterday, where I was only gonna be there a few hours before going to a social thing, and then only worked on a little more after that. I got a surprising amount done that day. I think I have a much better grasp of where I am and need to go, though I do keep getting lost. And I keep getting other ideas, or second-guessing if the method is actually good for my data. If nothing else, I'm learning. Stiiiill need to learn Python! I can make the excuse that I don't want to spread myself too thin. But I wish I'd started working on it more. For Clothing Sorting/Recycling, I never did figure out the situation with my winter gear, even how to store it. Maybe I'll get some bins? It's the parka that's tripping me up. I've been tidying surfaces gradually over time, bit by bit. I wouldn't say I've made huge progress, but I will say I'm a bit better than where I was before. I could be better than I am now, though. Apartment hunting... Well, it's on-going. I think it'll be on-going until it actually happens. The Play... well, I'm practicing, and doing rehearsals. I went off-book! A little ahead of schedule, but I was ready. I would also say that with how much my scene partners, the director, and I have gone over the scene, I would say it's Well Examined, and everything after that comes from rehearsals and bouncing off my scene partners, and I can't really do much about that on my own, so I crossed that one off my list. If there were more time, I'd add a few more to-do items that are individual things I need to work and focus on. But it's the end of the event, so. xD And that's where I left off. Not as much done as I'd like in some areas, but there is a lot I got done! This event really helped provide me with an incentive to work on those things, and doing these weekly updates helped remind me to get back on track if I ever started slacking. I'll miss that. But all things must come to an end, or at the very least, sometimes it's time for a new list if there's ever a new event. Thanks for running the event! This was good for me.
Post by June Scarlet on Jun 22, 2019 21:14:34 GMT -5
Okay, Spring Cleaning is over for the season, so it's time for reflection, I think.
Overall, I think it went well for me. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but I was also very busy with the first two list items, work and college. So considering that, I think I did pretty well. I worked on more stuff than I was able to cross off, and the stuff I did cross off were pretty important.
Spring Cleaning may be over, but my updates aren't. I created a diary thread specifically to continue posting updates.
No forum badges for this event yet, but that's outside my control right now, so I'm not worried about it.
I was really expecting more reflection on my part, but I guess I've been doing that all season, and there's not much to add. That's okay.
It's been fun, guys! The thread will still be here if you have your own final updates or reflections to post.
Post by Killix on Jun 23, 2019 16:06:45 GMT -5
Couldn't get that pony's head off. X'D
At least I managed to complete two objectives. The last art objective was put aside because I started a higher-priority piece that I am still working on.
Post by Lizica on Jun 27, 2019 17:11:54 GMT -5
Ordinarily I would apologize for posting to this thread so late after it's technically over, but I got two more pencil drawings done between now and event end, so I don't actually feel sorry. xD
Anyway, overall wrap-up:
- I finished painting all those bonsai awards. (Man, that feels like ages ago.) - Even if I didn't finish either, I got a lot of work done on my friend's logo, and also on Soft Glow. (Someday you guys will get to see the object of my suffering, but it is not this day. xD) - I would have liked to have gotten more small drawings done, but I still got more crossed off than if the event hadn't been going on! I managed to finally finish a small handful of ideas and mini-drawing projects I'd been meaning to get around to for a while. - I crossed off "wash travel stuff," but that's pretty minor, and I'll need to do it again when I get home anyway. xD - And I've stayed healthy so far! \ o / \ o /
Thanks so much for running this event, June! It was good to have that extra push for productivity, and I really enjoyed hearing what you guys were working on. ^^ Keep doing good stuff!