Post by Draco on Nov 22, 2006 2:41:07 GMT -5
Yay, now I can go to sleep happy due to watching FMA Movie in english Vic was right, that scene he said was sad, was indeed done very well. I twas sad in japanese to. I still say it's one of the best anime movies based off a series. It gives a good ending to a great series. I really wish I could have seen this in theaters when they showed it around the countries at choice theaters........ The closest one to me was in LA, which is a good days drive away from where I live (Arizona).
Post by nocturne on Nov 25, 2006 8:06:16 GMT -5
HOLY GRAPPLING GROUPER! I knew a Full Metal Alchemist club would be here!
The Full Cucco Alchemist, and his Sadistic Alchemist Side. I'm a Homunculus, Wrath's cousin, twice removed. At least I think so, it's hard to keep track these days.
1. Lust 2. Winry 3. Alphonse
A place I can legally rant about Lust and Gluttony! Yea!
Can I eat you guys now?
Post by Kat on Nov 25, 2006 8:50:59 GMT -5
[shadow=purple,left,300]And guess who established the club in the first place? ;D Heh, welcome. Lust/Gluttony = <3 Or Lust/Scar. Either works.[/shadow]
Post by nocturne on Nov 25, 2006 13:37:08 GMT -5
I haven't a clue. But whoever did make this club, tell them they're a genius. ^_^
I might swap to Gluttony as my persona around here for a while. But that would mean I would get to eat people.
Wait- that would rock! *runs off to snapshot Gluttony*
Lust/Scar? Never considered that. It could work... *imagines*
Scar: Lu-ust! Lust: What, Scar? Scar: I wanna Philosopher's Stone! Lust: Maybe for Christmas. If you're good.
...Yeah! They'd be GREAT together! ;D
Post by Ebil on Nov 25, 2006 15:37:35 GMT -5
Heh.... I didn't know this club existed either ^^ Can I join? Please? PLZPLZPLZPLZPLZ...PLZ?!
I watch the show... and I would read the manga, but I've got SIBSP (strangers-in-a-bookstore-phobia).
AAAND. Riza/Roy=<3. 'nuff said.
You silly Nocturne, SHE made the club herself XD and you don't have to be a homonkey-whatsit-i-can't-spell to eat people here, anyone can do that on the NTWF.
Post by Omni on Nov 25, 2006 21:46:54 GMT -5
Oh, let's see... I've watched the first... either 19 or 21 episodes, whichever one it was where Ed cracked the code of the Crystal Alchemist's 'cookbook' and Winry discovered she accedentally left a bolt out of Ed's new arm. I watched them on U-Tube, but then I started wondering whether or not it was legal, so I'm going to watch it on DVD (once I get the DVDs ^_^ to make sure I'm watching it legally, and to filter it through the TVG... I haven't read any of the manga, if fact, I didn't realise there was an FMA manga, until now. I've eaten a mint that came from an FMA mint-case-thingy. And last night, I had an FMA related dream. \ ^_^ / Hmm... favorite characters... Well, I like: Edward "I'm not short!" Elric That guy who's always showing people pictures of his daughter, what's his name again? Hawkeye Winry And I also like Nina (too bad she got turned into a chimera and exploded)
Post by Ebil on Nov 25, 2006 21:48:34 GMT -5
Picture guy? That's Hughes. I like 'im too ^^ I'm guessing you've seen up to episode 19 then. Or possibly 23.
Post by Draco on Nov 25, 2006 23:28:02 GMT -5
Episode 25.... ;_;
Anyways..... Gluttony is maybe the most mysterious of all the humunculi. You know who created all of the others, except him. If I was to randomly guess, I think I know who, but it's never really mentioned.
Post by Ebil on Nov 26, 2006 0:37:11 GMT -5
it's quite a coincidence that you just posted about episode 25... I came to this thread to post about how I was watching it and crying. which i am.
I was sort of expecting it from a few pictures I'd seen on dA which were implying it, but it was still sad ;-;
Post by Draco on Nov 26, 2006 0:57:22 GMT -5
Yeah... It's ones of those episodes I love and hate.
Post by nocturne on Nov 26, 2006 1:17:45 GMT -5
Gluttony back! *licks lips* Can I eat you now? I'm SO hungry.
This is Nocturne, under this new mask, in case no one recognizes me.
Post by Kiddo on Nov 26, 2006 1:19:14 GMT -5
Gluttony freaks me out. *shudder*
Post by nocturne on Nov 26, 2006 1:46:29 GMT -5
Gluttony freaks me out. *shudder* He's kinda cute at times. But then he puts on that evil grin...he's so much more evil than the other Homunculi. Lust would next. Then Envy. Wrath. Lust, did you just- spoiler box. You haven't grown soft have you- Oh, never mind.
Post by Kat on Nov 26, 2006 2:22:26 GMT -5
[shadow=purple,left,300]I browsed through the Wikipedia article for FMA, and apparently it may have been Dante who created Gluttony, possibly so he could become a living forge for the Philosopher's Stone.
Of course, we don't know what kind of body part Dante lost in the process, or from what person she resurrected him from.[/shadow] [shadow=purple,left,300]I was already spoiled before I watched this episode, but I had no idea Hughes would die so soon. D=
Still, it's an episode to love and hate, and the only episode that can jerk more tears than this is probably episode 50.[/shadow] [shadow=purple,left,300]Our master doesn't want to turn us into humans. Why should we still follow her?[/shadow]
Post by Draco on Nov 26, 2006 2:48:01 GMT -5
cool, never noticed that Spoiler button It's the end that kills you, hearing Hughes daughter. Than Roy's speech, which is kind of more sad in the Manga, since the whole "It's going to rain." quote makes more sense. What always got me is the Hughes Spirit Ed sees. In the manga they go after Ross, believing her to be the killer. Yep. Just wanted to mention. Yeah, the only thing I can really think of is Dante. Since she's behind the majority. It makes me think who she was trying to resurect for Him, Pride, and Greed.
Dante wasn't all that smart to get rid of Gluttony's brain, thats for sure. I mean, he eats her in the end, or at least thats what is believed. Than in the movie, he's just a giant monster of... Gluttony. The creepiest part of the movie Gluttony are the mini ones attached to his tails or whatever they were >.> I'm still reading through the Manga, but I know there are a number of differences, even a separation of story at one point.