Post by KitClairvoyance on Mar 7, 2008 20:42:37 GMT -5
No it's not! I live in America. It's zee here. I'm positive! Isn't it? D= Wait. D: ..it is? I thought Zee was British and Zed American. It has to be! I've been using zee since forever. ;___; .. *wrong as proved by wiki* *tucks his tail between his legs and waffles off*
Post by Ginz ❤ on Mar 7, 2008 20:42:59 GMT -5
I think I always thought it was zee and didn't think there was another way to say it for some reason... *shrugs*
But I'm gonna disappear for a few minutes...
Post by Kathleen on Mar 7, 2008 20:43:04 GMT -5
No it's not! I live in America. It's zee here. I'm positive! Isn't it? D= Wait. D: ..it is? I thought Zee was British and Zed American. It has to be! I've been using zee since forever. No, no, it's zee here. It has to be. I've never heard anyone say zed. Zed has to be British. D:
Post by Ginz ❤ on Mar 7, 2008 20:43:33 GMT -5
Wait. D: ..it is? I thought Zee was British and Zed American. It has to be! I've been using zee since forever. ;___; .. *wrong as proved by wiki* *tucks his tail between his legs and waffles off* Aww D= *hugs*
Post by Deleted on Mar 7, 2008 20:43:51 GMT -5
I remember when solving a logic question for programming, I said z as "zed" and my programming coach was all: "We're in Australia! We use zee, not zed! >>;" They use 'zee' in Australia? I didn't know that. xD Neither did I. XD
Post by Kathleen on Mar 7, 2008 20:44:09 GMT -5
Wait. D: ..it is? I thought Zee was British and Zed American. It has to be! I've been using zee since forever. ;___; .. *wrong as proved by wiki* *tucks his tail between his legs and waffles off* *calls the kitten back* Most people say zee I think. D= Oh, I guess 'cause Shade's gone. Nevermind; waffle off.
Post by KitClairvoyance on Mar 7, 2008 20:44:16 GMT -5
;___; .. *wrong as proved by wiki* *tucks his tail between his legs and waffles off* Aww D= *hugs* ;__; ..I've been using the wrong language since forever.
Post by TheWyldPhish on Mar 7, 2008 20:44:34 GMT -5
Well, it doesn't matter 'cause he's dead now. Yeah, he died while I was typing my reply. XD That poor kid "I'm going to dress up as Superman for EVERY HALLOWEEN NAO T__T" Superman is such a lame and boring costume. =( Superman is obviously not dead because the movie has another hour and a half to go...unless the rest of the movie consists of them whining about how Superman is dead.
Post by Killix on Mar 7, 2008 20:44:42 GMT -5
Oh, now he's dying and everyone's crying....I dunno how the people are watching it on tv due to there being no news cameras or anything...and the city just got axe-ploded, and a giant shockwave spread out that would've wiped out any equipment in the area >.> ...Oh, now he's dead. Yay! Now end this now so we can watch the anime instead. >.> Superman's dead? Ohmygasp! =O Whyyyyyyyy-eeeeeee-iiiii-eeee-iiii-eeeeeeeyeaaaaaaaah! Is it in my head? we'll just laugh instead youworryabouttheweatherandwhetherornotyoushouldhate
Post by PFA on Mar 7, 2008 20:44:58 GMT -5
D: I was about to post but I got the "NO REPLYING TO LOCKED THREADS RAWR" message. And I didn't copy it. Woe. *retypes* Reve- Both Ginz and Kathleen said they weren't sure but thought the Storytelling started on Monday. Guess they were right! *highfives both* And I'll see if I remember. XDDD Yeah. Monday's when it starts. With the exception of two week stories. @__@ Now those are fun. I guess I might as well mention the updating times... The storytelling competition updates around 11:00 am and 4:00 pm NST. So you might want to time your entries. Nothing's more frustrating then spending your time writing a nice, long entry and then finding out you were too late submitting. . . . I feel all wise and masterly now. 8D 11 and 4... haha, I probably won't remember that, but thanks. XDDD Killix- Superman died? That's possible?!
Post by Ginz ❤ on Mar 7, 2008 20:45:50 GMT -5
;__; ..I've been using the wrong language since forever. I's not fun to live a lie all you life T__T But! ... You were enlightened today and that's better than not knowing! Be happy. =3 And now I'm really gonna disappear for a few minutes. XD;
Post by Kathleen on Mar 7, 2008 20:45:58 GMT -5
;__; ..I've been using the wrong language since forever. It's not wrong. How is it wrong? It's just a different way of saying it! Otherwise I'm saying it wrong. Or maybe it depends where you live if it's wrong or not. D= Now I'm confused.
Post by Killix on Mar 7, 2008 20:46:26 GMT -5
Superman is obviously not dead because the movie has another hour and a half to go...unless the rest of the movie consists of them whining about how Superman is dead. I have the feeling its going to be the latter. They should just play "Superman's Dead" by Our Lady Piece for an hour on loop instead. XD It'd be far more entertaining and watchable. >.>
Post by Deleted on Mar 7, 2008 20:46:31 GMT -5
Oh, now he's dying and everyone's crying....I dunno how the people are watching it on tv due to there being no news cameras or anything...and the city just got axe-ploded, and a giant shockwave spread out that would've wiped out any equipment in the area >.> ...Oh, now he's dead. Yay! Now end this now so we can watch the anime instead. >.> Your total lack of sadness makes me laugh. . . . Then again, it is Superman.
Post by Ginz ❤ on Mar 7, 2008 20:46:59 GMT -5
Yeah, he died while I was typing my reply. XD That poor kid "I'm going to dress up as Superman for EVERY HALLOWEEN NAO T__T" Superman is such a lame and boring costume. =( Superman is obviously not dead because the movie has another hour and a half to go...unless the rest of the movie consists of them whining about how Superman is dead. That would be an awful movie. XD;; I really fail at leaving. ><;