Post by the_darkjedi on Jan 10, 2003 4:23:30 GMT -5
I need some help for an upcoming NT project I have... I need names of Neopet-like sites, like Chizopets. Thanks very much in advance! Sidenote: Had I posted this in the Chat Boards, "Chizopets" would've been replaced with the word "Neopets", making my question a really weird-sounding one.
Post by evil on Jan 10, 2003 6:02:16 GMT -5
aftermathzone.com is a virtualpet site
Post by Princess Ember Mononoke on Jan 10, 2003 10:30:41 GMT -5
Powerpets.com is a big one. Powerpets hates Neonuts guts and the feeling is mutual.
You know, there's a whole thread about Neopets copy-cats buried SOMEWHERE in the Neopets General board. . .
Post by Kiddo at school on Jan 10, 2003 10:57:29 GMT -5
Theres a site that rates online games somewhere... it has the full list of games there. I know cause places like magicpets.com bribes their players to vote for them. Anyways, here's my list. I'm not sure if all these still exist, I found them a while ago and they could have died out by now.
magicpets.com matrixpets.com powerpets.com
There's a couple more I can't remember... I'll have to check at home cause stuff is blocked here... HEY EVERYONE!!! MATRIXPETS IS CONSIDERED PORN!! *bursts our laughing*
Post by Tdyans on Jan 10, 2003 14:19:52 GMT -5
The problem is, I don't know if Neopets would allow you to mention the names of "rival" sites (if that's what you're planning) in something in the NT. As you discovered, they don't even let people mention them on the chat boards, which are much more of a free-for-all (I'm sure you can mention Glade Plug-Ins, Minwax and Pokemon on the chat boards, for instance. )
Post by Sara x3 on Jan 10, 2003 15:51:21 GMT -5
virtumon.com petcube.com geopets.com
all I can think of for now...
Post by Lappi on Jan 10, 2003 16:35:40 GMT -5
That's all I've got, lol... and... do you have to feed your pets in chizopets?
EDIT: I'm joining for matixpets... err... just testing...?
Post by calvinseviltwin on Jan 10, 2003 16:37:53 GMT -5
The minwax can was supposed to be a clip art of minwax (I should know... I gave Tahara that script itdea...) but she had to edit it out.
Post by Lappi on Jan 10, 2003 16:39:15 GMT -5
virtualpets.com That's all I've got, lol... and... do you have to feed your pets in chizopets? Ooops. Sorry. Not virtualpets... Virtualzoo.com They are fighting against neopets too. They used to have a chatroom, and every time you said "neopets" they would replace it with "virtualpets"
Post by Princess Ember Mononoke on Jan 10, 2003 17:08:34 GMT -5
The antagonism is so pathetic, it's almost laughable. Someone once said that her little sister was frozen for publicly announcing that she played a different virtual pets site. I don't know which site it was, because she posted it on the chatboards and it came out "My little sister was frozen for saying she played Neopets!" That was. . . rather confusing.
Post by Lappi on Jan 10, 2003 17:10:54 GMT -5
Err... I just joined in matrix pets... and I have... err... hi!
Post by Princess Ember Mononoke on Jan 10, 2003 17:21:05 GMT -5
Err... I just joined in matrix pets... and I have... err... hi! *wonders what Lapin is trying to say and why she can't just come out and say it*
Post by Lappi on Jan 10, 2003 17:24:56 GMT -5
Okie. Some complaints I have...
It's so hard to understand! I mean... for neopets... and for other people... they'd at least know a BIT!
The server's so slow. Really slow.
Did I mention I have no idea what to do? I don't even know how to play games... well... I do one of them, but they only have about 5...
So another words, Neopets is better! ^.^
I don't feel very good leaving my Mai alone... *sigh*
Post by Princess Ember Mononoke on Jan 10, 2003 17:45:09 GMT -5
When I was down on the Neopets Staff during the time when it seemed that they were taking absolutely EVERYTHING away (Switch-a-Roo, Treasure Hunt, dubloons from deckswabber and deckball, etc. etc. etc.) my guild was all feeling very morose and saying that it could be the end of Neopia, or at least of Neopia's golden age. So I got into looking around for virtual pet sites that we could all transfer to if worst came to worst. Well, I went to no less than a dozen sites and none of them came ANYWHERE close to being as good as Neopets. Neopia is truely one of a kind!
Post by mushroom on Jan 10, 2003 17:51:48 GMT -5
There's the classic rival site monoPETS.com, although they've undergone a renovation since the last time I've read about the debate between them.